
The sacred cows of Mount Ida, watched over by the gods, were considered a divine gift and a sign of their favor.

Crete, Greece

Mount Ida

Talos circled the island, hurling stones at ships. Linked to Mount Ida, he was created by Hephaestus or Zeus, embodying the mountain’s protective power.


Mount Olympus

After their victory, the Olympians established their rule from Mount Olympus

Herodotus noted Mount Pangaion’s rich gold and silver mines, which drew the interest of Thracian tribes, Persians, and Macedonians.

Greek Mythology


This table includes the height of each mountain, its locations, and detailed descriptions of its significance in Greek mythology.

Ley lines are alignments that connect various geographic locations, often including ancient monuments, religious sites, and other significant landmarks.


Abuna Yemata Guh

Ethiopia’s highlands are home to some of the world’s oldest cliff temples, many of which are carved directly into the rock and positioned as high as 8,000 feet above the ground.

Sadhguru discusses the ancient presence of consecrated temples, particularly focusing on a significant find in Türkiye

Mount Shasta holds a significant place in the cultural and spiritual traditions of several Native American tribes in the region.


Mount Shasta

The Lemurians established an underground city, Telos, beneath Mount Shasta after their continent sank

Historically, the Nile Delta had seven main distributaries that carried the river’s waters into the Mediterranean Sea.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Mutwa explains that the mining of gold and other metals was an important activity in ancient South Africa, carried out by the indigenous people.

The Temple of Artemis at Sardis, the fourth largest Ionic temple in the world, is situated on the western slopes of the Acropolis


Monte Verde

Most of Monte Verde exposed in the excavations dates to about 12,500 years ago, making Monte Verde the earliest known site in the Americas

Both Drs. JJ and Matias claim that some temples along the Nile align with the chakras in our bodies.


Valley of Hinnom

The Valley of Hinnom, also known as Gehenna, is a real geographic location situated near Jerusalem, characterized by steep, rocky slopes.

The first race was the Reptilian Race who were the ‘Slave Masters’ of the thousands of Hybrid Humans.

The name “Egypt” has an intriguing etymology rooted in ancient history. The term “Hwt-ka-Ptah” is a key element in this linguistic journey.

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, South America.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula was built by the descendants of Atlantis to store a copy of the records of Atlantis.


The Sphinx

Over the spaceship, erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man.

Across five countries—Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico—there are numerous Maya sites, totaling in the hundreds.

These cities of the Sumerian civilization contributed to the development of writing, agriculture, architecture, culture and governance.

Swaziland - 42,000 years Ago

The Ngwenya Mine

The Ngwenya Mine is estimated to be around 43,000 years old, making it one of the oldest mines known to humans.

The Red Pyramid, also known as the North Pyramid, is the fertilizer factory.



Tenochtitlan, founded in 1325 by the Mexica people, was a magnificent city located on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest Egyptian pyramid manufactured Hydrogen Chloride.


Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe, located in Turkey, is an ancient archaeological site dating back to around 9500 to 8000 BCE. Based on carbon dating on the soul that covered the site.

Ancient mines could help in determing the human timelines. Especially since mining was an important for the aessir.