Ivan Teller

Atlantis / Earth College Channeling


Welcome Message

Ivan Teller began the session by welcoming the audience to “Shadow Band.” He commented on the lack of broad interest in such topics, mentioning that many people prefer to wait for a “Savior” rather than seek their own ascension. He emphasized that personal ascension is an ongoing process, even though it may not be progressing as quickly as desired.

Ascension and Earth Experience

Ivan discussed ascension and the journey of the individual, describing Earth as a “college planet” where people continue to reincarnate until they achieve personal enlightenment.

He noted that many people get stuck in their attachment to past lives, such as those with unresolved ties to the Anunnaki or other ancient histories.

He explained that some souls are fixated on their past achievements and are reluctant to let go, which prevents them from moving forward.

Energies of Different Planets

Teller explained that all planets possess some form of consciousness, whether or not alien life is visible.

Teller referred to humanity’s situation as being trapped in a “holographic room,” a contained environment where learning and growth are essential.

Teller noted that while many people are seeking positive experiences, they often resist personal inner work, which is necessary for growth. He encouraged individuals to confront their inner challenges, as ignoring these issues could hinder spiritual progress.

Spirituality and Society

Ivan highlighted the distraction that society creates, preventing individuals from focusing on themselves. He remarked that much of the world’s attention is drawn to external events—like politics and conspiracy theories—while neglecting personal development. He emphasized the importance of overcoming personal fears, insecurities, and attachments as part of the spiritual journey.

Higher Dimensional Influence

Teller spoke about higher dimensional beings and their manipulation of humanity. He described how some beings siphon Earth’s energy for their own purposes, likening the situation to the Roman Coliseum, where powerful entities control humanity from behind the scenes. He suggested that as people reclaim their personal power, they will start to unlock more of their abilities.

The Illusion of Control

He explained that many souls come to Earth for the human experience, despite its many challenges, and the physical body serves as a unique vehicle for growth.

The limitation of human awareness, including the inability to connect fully with the universe, was described as part of this experience. Ivan mentioned that many people have yet to overcome their insecurities and fears, preventing them from tapping into their higher potential.

Spiritual Confusion

Teller addressed the confusion within the spiritual community, particularly regarding various beliefs such as the “new Earth,” the “solar flare,” and conspiracy theories.

He remarked that many of these ideas become distractions, leading people away from their true spiritual growth. He also discussed how spiritual teachers can sometimes contribute to the confusion by presenting themselves as experts, even when they lack true understanding.

Conclusion and Lanann Energies

In concluding, Ivan shifted focus to the Lanann energies and their influence on Earth. He described how beings from Lanann were tricked into lower frequencies and lost their power, leading to the human experience of fear, paranoia, and service-to-self energies.

He explained that humanity’s challenge is to rise above these lower frequencies and reclaim their personal power by overcoming internal obstacles and distractions.

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