The Legend of Votan

In “Historia Antigua de México”, Clavigero writes about the traditions of various indigenous peoples, including the Chiapenese, a group from the region of Chiapas. In the first volume, Clavigero recounts the legend of Votan, a cultural hero for the Chiapenese, who is said to have been closely connected to a great flood. Specifically, Votan is described as the grandson of the man who constructed an ark to save himself and his family from a deluge, which is a clear parallel to other flood myths like that of Noah in the Bible.

The region of Chiapas is located in the southern part of Mexico. It borders:

  1. North: Tabasco
  2. West: Oaxaca and Veracruz
  3. East: Guatemala
  4. South: Pacific Ocean

Chiapas is known for its rich cultural history, including ancient Maya ruins such as Palenque, and its diverse ecosystems, including rainforests and highlands.

Coordinates of Chiapas: View

Clavigero’s recounting of these traditions links Mesoamerican mythology with broader flood narratives found in cultures worldwide. According to the Chiapenese version, Votan is also credited with the founding of their civilization, as he played a role in settling the region and establishing key social and religious structures.

This connection is one of many instances where Clavigero identifies similarities between the indigenous myths of the Americas and ancient stories from other parts of the world, as part of his effort to provide a detailed and respectful account of the history and cultures of pre-Columbian Mexico.

In the context of the broader discussion where Votan is mentioned, Clavigero is exploring the origins of indigenous peoples, their migrations, and their mythological accounts of world events, particularly the deluge myth.

In this section, Clavigero is interested in drawing parallels between the myths of the indigenous peoples of Mexico and the biblical narrative, as well as other ancient traditions from around the world. He does this to show that many cultures share common stories about creation, destruction, and the rebirth of civilizations. The flood or deluge myth is one of the key examples, and he relates the Chiapenese story of Votan to this theme.

Broader Discussion in Historia Antigua de México

  1. Votan and the Deluge: Clavigero describes how the Chiapenese people claimed that Votan came to their lands after a great flood, which wiped out previous civilizations. According to their tradition, Votan was a significant cultural figure who helped to reorganize society after the deluge, which mirrors the role of figures like Noah in the Judeo-Christian tradition or Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
  2. Votan’s Role in Civilization: Votan is not only associated with survival from the flood but is also said to have established key social and religious structures in the region. He is credited with having settled in Chiapas and spreading knowledge, which led to the flourishing of the Chiapenese civilization. This reflects the idea that many ancient flood myths include a figure who helps to rebuild society afterward.
  3. Comparison to Other Cultures: Clavigero emphasizes the similarities between the Chiapenese flood myth and other flood myths from around the world. He suggests that the Chiapenese tradition of Votan might be linked to broader global traditions, particularly the biblical flood. His work places emphasis on finding connections between the indigenous cultures of the Americas and the ancient civilizations of Europe, Africa, and Asia, as part of his attempt to argue that the indigenous peoples had ancient and sophisticated cultures worthy of respect.
  4. Votan and the Founding of Cities: In the same context, Clavigero also describes how Votan is credited with founding Palenque, a significant ancient Maya city, though this part of the tradition is more speculative and mythological. Votan’s connection to Palenque ties him to the broader Maya civilization, which is known for its architectural, mathematical, and astronomical achievements.

Cultural and Religious Implications

Clavigero’s recounting of the Chiapenese tradition serves to demonstrate the deep mythological and spiritual traditions of indigenous peoples. By aligning figures like Votan with flood myths and cultural heroes, he draws attention to how Mesoamerican peoples viewed the world, nature, and the divine. In their view, Votan was not only a survivor of the flood but also a bringer of civilization and order after chaos.

Purpose of the Discussion

Clavigero’s larger aim in discussing figures like Votan was to provide a robust defense of the intellectual and cultural achievements of pre-Columbian civilizations. His work was written in response to European scholars who had diminished the value of indigenous cultures. By drawing comparisons to Old World traditions, Clavigero sought to show that the peoples of Mexico had sophisticated mythologies, advanced societal structures, and historical depth that could stand alongside the great civilizations of the world.

For further reference, this discussion is spread throughout the early chapters of volume 1 of Historia Antigua de México, particularly in sections where Clavigero focuses on indigenous traditions, their gods, and their origin myths.

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