
Book of Mormon


They migrated into Central and North America, extending their influence into South America and Egypt.

17 And this because they have turned their ahearts away from me, to worship the god of Elkenah, and the god of Libnah, and the god of Mahmackrah, and the god of Korash, and the god of Pharaoh, king of Egypt; therefore I have come down to bvisit them, and to destroy him who hath lifted up his hand against thee, Abraham, my son, to take away thy life.

god of Pharaoh (king of Egypt)

21 Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the loins of Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth.

23 The land of Egypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden;

The woman discovered Egypt was the daughter of Ham, and the Daughter of Egyptes (making Egyptes a woman).

According to this line, Egypt was first discovered by a woman, who is identified as both the daughter of Ham and the daughter of Egyptus.

"Egyptus" is not a well-known figure in mainstream historical or mythological records, but in this statement, she is implied to be a significant character, possibly an eponymous ancestor of Egypt.

The statement also mentions that the name "Egyptus" in the Chaldean language signifies "Egypt." This seems to suggest a linguistic or etymological link between the name of the character Egyptus and the name of the country.

The Chaldean language, known as a Semitic language historically spoken in the Chaldean Dynasty of Babylon, does not have a direct connection to the naming of Egypt.

Lastly, the phrase "which signifies that which is forbidden" adds a layer of symbolic or metaphorical meaning to the name "Egypt" in this account.

This could imply that the land of Egypt, or something about its discovery or nature, was considered forbidden or taboo in the context of this story.

25 Now the first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.

A significant change in Western views on Africans came about when Napoleon's 1798 invasion of Egypt drew attention to the impressive achievements of Ancient Egypt, which could hardly be reconciled with the theory of Africans being inferior or cursed.

"Mizraim" is actually a dual form that can be translated as "two Egypts," reflecting the ancient division of Egypt into Upper and Lower regions.

Specifically, Tolkien’s go-to analogy for Gondor was Egypt… and Egypt is a colony of Donnelly’s Atlantis, just as Gondor is a colony of Tolkien’s Númenor.

Ancient Egypt: Cayce spoke extensively about ancient Egypt, often in the context of the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

In ancient Egypt, the ouroboros, a snake eating its tail, symbolized cyclical renewal, eternity, and the continuity of life and death.

After all, most of what you still remember of this idea of Atlantis came through ancient stories from Egypt that were passed along to individuals in Greece and then shared with your modern individuals.

During the Atlantean Civilisation there was a connection between Egypt and Machu Picchu.

At that moment, crossing through Machu Picchu, Nazca, all the territory of Peru, going straight through the Amazons, going through Mauritania, Cambodia, through India and then Egypt.

And so it would connect that part of South Peru with Egypt in a straight line.

Many ancient kings and leaders, like the Pharaohs of Egypt, were considered as embodiments or descendants of the sun god, enhancing their divine right to rule.

The two bulls in Egypt, insofar as they indicate the sun and the moon as a mystery, exist for a witness to Sabaoth, that Sophia of the world has been exalted above the sun and the moon, from the day when she created them and sealed her heaven until the consummation of the age.

From the 3rd or 2nd century BC, Greek texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, holder of all knowledge, began to appear in Hellenistic Egypt.

It is even now, in its ruined condition, 160 feet high, 1400 feet square at the base, and covers forty-five acres; we have only to remember that the greatest pyramid of Egypt, Cheops, covers but twelve or thirteen acres, to form some conception of the magnitude of this American structure.


The Sphinx

The text alludes to the idea that ancient sages, possibly from Atlantis, who survived a cataclysmic event, were responsible for building many pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

"Such is the state of Egypt.

The effect of the cataclysm on the rest of the world was of the most serious character, and for the land of Egypt it was specially ruinous.

Up to this point Egypt had had an extensive western seaboard, and although the Sahara Sea was shallow, it was sufficient for the great fleets of comparatively small ships which carried the traffic to Atlantis and the Algerian Islands.

Location: Egypt

Egypt (destination)

Route: Sahara Sea, south of Egypt to Arabia

Egypt (ruled by Atlanteans)

Location: Egypt

Location: Egypt

Emigrants (some of whom were bribed to stay in Lower Egypt and later became slaves)

Location: Egypt

Location: Egypt

Location: Poseidonis, Egypt (affected area)

People Involved: Various unnamed inhabitants of Poseidonis and Egypt

Location: Arabian mountains (refuge) to Egypt

Location: Egypt

Location: Abydos, Egypt

Location: Egypt

Location: Egypt

Location: Egypt

Osiris, Ancient Egypt's God of the Underworld, symbolized death and resurrection.

Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, scattered across Egypt, and resurrected by his wife Isis, resulting in the birth of their son Horus.

Horus, the God of the Sky and War, avenged his father Osiris against his uncle Set, becoming the king of Egypt.

Ra, Ancient Egypt's Creator God, shaped Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld, along with all living creatures.

16,000 - 10,500 BC


They brought it into Egypt and other countries, where this knowledge existed for some time providing a basis for the local spiritual culture.

Thoth-the-Atlantean moved to Egypt (Khem)Thoth relates that He went the entire Path to Mergence with the Primordial.Thoth also explains one of the higher meditations — the Temple and its particular variation — the Pyramid.“Long then dwelt I in the Temple of the Primordial until at last I was One with the Light.”Later Thoth embodied Himself again in Egypt and was Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice-born)Deep beneath the image of the Pyramid lies My secret.

Akhenaten initiated a religious revolution in ancient Egypt, focusing on the worship of the sun god Aten.

He is notable for his religious reforms, particularly his attempt to transition Egypt from polytheism to the worship of a single god, the Aten, represented as the sun disc.

Basing his arguments on his belief that the Exodus story was historical, Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest who was forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death.

Blood is everywhere,” and this, too, corresponds with the Book of Exodus (7: 21 ): “There was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.”

It is said that a city in Egypt received the same name for the same reason.

Like all the water in Egypt, the water on the surface of the Sea of the Passage was of a red tint.

Prior to Abram's journey to Egypt, there is mention of him in Hebron, which is not mentioned in Genesis.

Suffering from a famine, Abram decides to enter Egypt, the land of the children of Ham.

Before entering Egypt, Abram receives revelation in the form of a dream.

Sarai was very distressed by this dream as they entered Egypt, and for five years was exceedingly careful so that the Pharaoh of Zoan would not see her.

After leaving Egypt and settling back in Canaan Abram and Lot grow flocks together.

Genesis 12

Abram & Sarai

[9] And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south.[10] And there was a famine extreme and widespread scarcity of food in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn temporarily resides there; for the famine extreme and widespread scarcity of food was grievous in the land.[11] And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon:[12] Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee you alive.[13] Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee you.[14] And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.[15] The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.[16] And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses donkeys, and camels.

In this passage, when Abram (later known as Abraham) and Sarai (later known as Sarah) entered Egypt due to a famine in the land of Canaan, Abram feared that the Egyptians would kill him because Sarai was very beautiful.

When Sarai entered Egypt, she caught the attention of the officials and princes of Pharaoh.

Negev: Famine in the land prompts Abram to go to Egypt.

He travels south to the Negev region in Egypt.

Egypt: Abram and his wife Sarai go to Egypt to live there for a while due to the famine in Canaan.

there were female pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

The most famous of them was Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt from 1478 BC to 1458 BC.

She is often regarded as one of the most successful pharaohs in terms of trade, building projects, and the overall stability and prosperity of Egypt during her reign.

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt and played a significant role in the events leading up to the demise of the Egyptian pharaonic rule.

These female pharaohs were exceptions in the predominantly male-oriented ancient Egyptian society, but their reigns left a lasting impact on the history of Egypt.

Before dying in 339, Bishop Eusebius authored a "Chronicle" of history in which Manetho is quoted. In addition, there exist at least bits and pieces of Manetho’s writings. Manetho reported that gods and demi-gods once ruled Egypt.

In line with 2 phases of Egypt's Civilisation

Since the Red Piramyid has square columns, it's dates back to Atlantean Egypt, some 12,000 years ago.

There was more ice in the mountains, the dessert was smaller, savanna would reach untill the north of Egypt.

So they were making what would become Egypt in the next period.

In the era of Taurs, 5,000 years ago where Egypt began.

And that's the main difference between ancient Egypt and Antlantean Egypt.

So that's why you can find these big temples that were 3,000 years ago in Egypt that were financed by Greeks and Roman people.

The Red Pyramid, also known as the North Pyramid or Pyramid of Menkaure, is one of the pyramids located at the Dahshur necropolis in Cairo, Egypt.

In AD 1196, Al-Aziz Uthman, Saladin's son and the Sultan of Egypt, attempted to demolish the pyramids, starting with that of Menkaure.

Ancient Egypt: The ancient Egyptians, around 5,000 years ago, practiced advanced agricultural techniques along the Nile River.

The Rosetta Stone is an ancient artifact discovered in 1799 in Rosetta, Egypt.

"The council and the priests and the people having resolved at the assembly, it seemed good to them to honours king Ptolemy, the ever-living, the beloved of Ptah, the god Epiphanes Eucharistos; for his piety towards the gods, and his beneficence towards his parents; and his love of his country; and his kind disposition towards the Senators and People of Alexandria; and his equity in regard to every part of Egypt; and his having restored the country of the Egyptians, when it was oppressed by the Syrians, and the Libyans, and the Kappadokians, and the Arabs, —tribes that had been destroyed of old by his father Ptolemy the ever-living, —and had settled there as guards of the country, after he had expelled the afore-mentioned nations, and those who were in the cities and the temples, and every rank of men and every family of distinction, every one of whom he restored to his place and his privileges."

Ancient Egypt had a rich and complex relationship with the stars, which played a significant role in their mythology, religion, and culture.

It's more likely that the Great Pyramid is from the Zep Tepi, or Atlantean Egypt, dating back as far as 15,000 BC.



Egypt - God Snake, sacred snake

Sirius and Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egyptians had connections with beings from Sirius.

The heliacal rising of Sirius, known as the "Dog Star," marked the flooding of the Nile River, a vital event in the agricultural calendar of ancient Egypt.


Our history

Also known as the Great Pyramid of Khufu, was constructed around 2560 BCE during the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egypt.

One theory is that the blue skin may represent the color of the Nile River, which was central to the fertility of the land and the success of agriculture in ancient Egypt.