

Tekthah – The sacred symbol of Atlantis

In "Atlantis: The Book of the Angels," the four-armed Cross is a sacred symbol that holds significant religious and cultural importance for the Atlanteans.

The four-armed Cross, also known as Tekthah's standard, symbolizes the national prowess and the victorious empire of Atlantis.

The four-armed Cross is not only a national emblem but also holds religious connotations.

Despite its sacred origin, the four-armed Cross becomes part of the idolatrous practices of the Atlanteans.

During times of crisis, the four-armed Cross is used in sacrificial rituals to appeal to a divinity that the people do not fully comprehend.

The four-armed Cross's transformation from a symbol of national pride to an object of idolatrous sacrifice illustrates the broader theme of moral and spiritual decline in Atlantis.

The cross symbolizes victory and national greatness.

It led the nation under Tekthah to its victorious empire and was a rallying symbol during times of war and conflict.During a pivotal moment in the story, the cross is brought out from the central tower and lifted towards the sky, symbolizing a nation's surrender to a divine power.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

They extensively used the sign of the Cross and depicted animals like the elephant and the lion, which were not native to America.

Geographical Spread: Their settlements spread up the Mississippi River and over its tributaries but did not cross the Alleghany Mountains.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden

No fact is better established than the reverence shown to the sign of the Cross in all the ages prior to Christianity.

"From the dawn of organized Paganism in the Eastern world to the final establishment of Christianity in the Western, the Cross was undoubtedly one of the commonest and most sacred of symbolical monuments; and, to a remarkable extent, it is so still in almost every land where that of Calvary is unrecognized or unknown.

"Of the several varieties of the Cross still in vogue, as national or ecclesiastical emblems, in this and other European states, and distinguished by the familiar appellations of St.

When the Spanish missionaries first set foot upon the soil of America, in the fifteenth century, they were amazed to find the Cross was as devoutly worshipped by the red Indians as by themselves, and were in doubt whether to ascribe the fact to the pious labors of St.

When we ask the question how it comes that the sign of the Cross has thus been reverenced.


"The Buddhists and Brahmans, who together constitute nearly half the population of the world, tell us that the decussated figure (the cross), whether in a simple or a complex form, symbolizes the traditional happy abode of their primeval ancestors--that 'Paradise of Eden toward the East,' as we find expressed in the Hebrew.

And, let us ask, what better picture, or more significant characters, in the complicated alphabet of symbolism, could have been selected for the purpose than a circle and a cross: the one to denote a region of absolute purity and perpetual felicity; the other, those four perennial streams that divided and watered the several quarters of it?" (Edinburgh Review, January, 1870.)

41), "Now the garden (of Eden) was watered by one river, which ran round about the whole earth, and was parted into four parts." Here in the four parts we see the origin of the Cross, while in the river running around the whole earth we have the wonderful canal of Atlantis, described by Plato, which was "carried around the whole of the plain," and received the streams which came down from the mountains.

And these four rivers, flowing to the north, south, east, and west, constitute the origin of that sign of the Cross which we have seen meeting us at every point among the races who were either descended from the people of Atlantis, or who, by commerce and colonization, received their opinions and civilization from them.

The Pyramid.--Not only are the Cross and the Garden of Eden identified with Atlantis, but in Atlantis, the habitation of the gods, we find the original model of all those pyramids which extend from India to Peru.

Are they in this, too, a reminiscence of the Cross, and of the four rivers of Atlantis that ran to the north, south, east, and west?

Accordingly, we find, among these and other vestiges of antiquity that indissolubly connected those long-since extinct populations in the New with the races of the Old World, the well-defined symbol of the Maltese Cross.

On the Mexican feroher before alluded to, and which is most elaborately carved in bass-relief on a massive piece of polygonous granite, constituting a portion of a cyclopean wall, the cross is enclosed within the ring, and accompanying it are four tassel-like ornaments, graved equally well.

Those accompaniments, however, are disposed without any particular regard to order, but the four arms of the cross, nevertheless, severally and accurately point to the cardinal quarters, The same regularity is observable on a much smaller but not less curious monument, which was discovered some time since in an ancient Peruvian huaca or catacomb--namely, a syrinx or pandean pipe, cut out of a solid mass of lapis ollaris, the sides of which are profusely ornamented, not only with Maltese crosses, but also with other symbols very similar in style to those inscribed on the obelisks of Egypt and on the monoliths of this country.

But by far the most remarkable example of this form of the Cross in the New World is that which appears on a second type of the Mexican feroher, engraved on a tablet of gypsum, and which is described at length by its discoverer, Captain du Paix, and depicted by his friend, M.

"No country in the world can compare with India for the exposition of the pyramidal cross.

The body of the temple was constructed in the figure of a colossal cross (i.

Andrew's Cross), with a lofty dome at the centre, above which rose a massive structure of a pyramidal form.

At the four extremities of the cross there were four other pyramids of proportionate dimensions, and which were ascended from the outside by steps, with balconies at stated distances for places of rest, reminding us of the temple of Belus, as described in the pages of Herodotus.

At the famous temple of Chillambrum, on the Coromandel coast, there were seven lofty walls, one within the other, round the central quadrangle, and as many pyramidal gate-ways in the midst of each side which forms the limbs of a vast cross."

533), that "the gallery is one hundred and fifty-seven feet long, increasing in height to over six feet and a half as it penetrates the pyramid; that the well is over six feet square, extending (apparently) down to the base and up to the summit; and that other cross-galleries are blocked up by débris." In the Pyramid of Cheops there is a similar opening or passage-way forty-nine feet above the base; it is three feet eleven inches high, and three feet five and a half inches wide; it leads down a slope to a sepulchral chamber or well, and connects with other passage-ways leading up into the body of the pyramid.

We find the emblem of the Cross in pre-Christian times venerated as a holy symbol on both sides of the Atlantic; and we find it explained as a type of the four rivers of the happy island where the civilization of the race originated.

We find the pyramid on both sides of the Atlantic, with its four sides pointing, like the arms of the Cross, to the four cardinal points-a reminiscence of Olympus; and in the Aztec representation of Olympos (Aztlan) we find the pyramid as the central and typical figure.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Identity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New

The orbicular wheel-like plates of these statues may be linked to the wheel symbol of Kronos and Saturn, or the cross of Atlantis surrounded by a ring.

Annie Besant

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

However, they had to cross open water only as far as the mouth of the Sahara Sea (which was a crooked sort of bight opening into the Atlantic), and then to sail along its almost land-locked waters.

The voyage was performed three times, and the little nation, made up to nine thousand men, women and children by the additional few from elsewhere, set forth eastwards on foot.1 They had with them a number of animals also, looking like a cross between a buffalo and an elephant with something of the pig, reminding one rather of a tapir, a half-anahalf sort of beast.

He had passed through Mesopotamia and Babylonia, slanting north, and the mountains He had to cross were not of great height ; the Turanian Confederation gave permission for His passage, partly because His people were not numerous enough to cause apprehension, and partly because He stated that He was carrying out a mission imposed upon Him by the Most High.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

On the contrary, they constitute a totally distinct series of cross-divisions, each containing matter in all these different conditions, so that if we denote the various types by numbers, we should have solid, liquid, and gaseous matter of the first type, solid, liquid and gaseous matter

Similarly in every astral body there is matter of each of these types or cross-divisions, and in this case the proportion between them shows the disposition of the man — whether he is excitable or serene, sanguine or phlegmatic, patient or irritable, and so on.

Its main plan was cruciform, with a vast circular space (covered by the hemispherical dome) where the arms of the cross met.

We shall gain a more correct image if, instead of thinking of the ordinary cruciform church with nave, chancel and transepts, we picture to ourselves a great circular domed chamber like the reading-room of the British Museum, and then imagine four huge naves opening out of it towards the four quarters of the compass; for all the arms of its cross were of equal length.

Having fixed that part of the picture firmly, we must then add four other great openings between the arms of the cross, leading into vast halls whose walls curved round and met at the extremity, so as to give their floors the shape of an immense leaf or the petal of a flower.

In fact, the ground-plan of the temple might be described as an equal-armed cross laid upon a simple four-petalled flower, so that the arms lay between the petals.

The whole structure was carefully oriented, so that the arms of the cross were accurately directed to the cardinal points.

Along the centre of the roof of this huge northern arm of the cross there ran a narrow slit open to the sky, so that the light of whatever star happened to be exactly upon the meridian shone straight into the temple and fell upon the great mirror.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Jesus a reincarnation of the Buddha?

Father Seán aspires to be what Carl Jung called a "gnostic intermediary"—someone well-versed in different spiritual traditions who can cross-fertilize them to mutual benefit.


King David

Biblical scholars have worked to correlate these accounts with historical timelines by cross-referencing events and reigns of other known historical figures and kingdoms.


The people of Southern America suppose it was the banana, whose fibres form the cross, and they say that thus, in it, Adam discovered the mystery of the Redemption.

Jesus’ Initiation

Placed in a coffin or bound to something like a cross


When Bilqis attempts to cross, lifting her skirts to avoid getting wet, Solomon sees her legs but remains tactful about his observation.

Hollow earth theory

Is the earth hollow?

Byrd and Bennett were presented with Tiffany Cross versions of the Medal of Honor on March 5, 1927, at the White House by President Calvin Coolidge.



Saint George, making the Sign of the Cross, attacked the dragon on horseback, inflicting a serious wound with his lance.

Gilgal – Circle of standing stones

The Israelites cross the Jordan River through a miraculous intervention of God with the Arc of the Covenant and are circumcised at Gibeath-Haaraloth (translated as hill of foreskins), renamed Gilgal in memory.

The Nephilim

Apparently there were also experiments in cross-breeding between animals and humans going on.


Root Races

Arise ye men of the good law, and cross the land while (yet) dry.''The Lords of the storm are approaching.

Atlantis: The Last Days

Though they did, of course, spread into North Central and South America and even cross the oceans into what you know as Europe in the Mediterranean and northern and western Africa.

Khem – Zep Tepi

Animals: Cross between a buffalo and an elephant with something of the pig, used for food when necessary


The Red World

They erected temples in the sign of the cross and sacrificed millions of men for its honor.

Aessir Anunnaki

It is rich with stars and features a prominent asterism called the Northern Cross, formed by the brighter stars in the constellation.

More than that, he has 4 heads - Cygnus is a cross with 4 points.

Siberian Shaman Santa Claus

Allegro's book, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" was reportedly bought out and banned by the Catholic Church, but a recent republishing by Jaan Irvin has made the book available once again.