
Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

Helena Blavatsky discusses the concept of “root races” in her writings, particularly in “The Secret Doctrine”



Ramtha is a purported ancient entity channeled by JZ Knight. According to Knight, Ramtha was a Lemurian warrior who lived 35,000 years ago

Channelers profiles of Edgar Cayce, Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), Jane Roberts (Seth), Esther Hicks (Abraham), JZ Knight (Ramtha), Allison DuBois, Eileen Garrett, Paul Selig (The Guides), and Chico Xavier

The descriptions of Lemurians seem to be identical to the movie Avatar. The story matches many other Lemurian stories

These cometary fragments twice a year bombarded the North American and Atlantic region for a period of over two decades, every year twice a year.

When these ice masses were present, they caused the Earth’s crust to be depressed under their immense weight.

Father Duran, in his MS. “Historia Antiqua de la Nueva Espana” A.D. 1585, quotes from the lips of a native of Cholula

The Great Pyramid of Cholula was built by the descendants of Atlantis to store a copy of the records of Atlantis.


The Sphinx

Over the spaceship, erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man.

Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of Khem. Raging, they came with cudgels and spears lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis.

Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea.

200,000 Years ago

Mū Civilisation

In ancient times, the Mū culture, also known as Pre-Tahitian Hawaiian Culture, operated under the governance of the “Kapu” system

Over the world then broke the great waters, drowning and sinking, changing Earth’s balance until only the Temple of Light was left standing

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system. It’s located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is a barred spiral galaxy.

The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold. The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal.

The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them



In ancient times, there was a race called the Atlanteans who lived in a land known as Atlantis.

Beings from the star system Sirius often referred to as “Sirians,” are thought to have played a significant role in the development and guidance of ancient Earth civilizations.

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

And the YHWH Elohiym established an enclosed garden eastward in Eden, and there they put the humans.