

17,800 BCE to 16,900 BCE

Age: 905 Years

Incarnation of Seth, Seth was the incarnation of the first human: Adam

The beginning of Worship (false gods of Abrahamic religions.)


  • Enosh
  • Anush

Enosh, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, was the son of Seth and the grandson of Adam and Eve. His name is often interpreted as “mortal,” “man,” or “human,” which could reflect the biblical authors’ understanding of the human condition, especially in contrast to the divine. Here are some key points about Enosh:

Place in the Genealogy
Enosh is noted in the genealogies in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 5:6-11), 1 Chronicles (1 Chronicles 1:1-3), and in the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament (Luke 3:37-38). He is an important link in the lineage from Adam to Noah.

The Beginning of Worship
One significant aspect of Enosh’s time, mentioned in Genesis 4:26, is that “then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.” This phrase has been interpreted in various ways. Some scholars suggest it indicates the beginning of formal worship or prayer practices among humans, while others see it as the start of calling upon God’s name in a profane manner.

Like many of his ancestors and descendants in the early Genesis accounts, Enosh lived a remarkably long life. The Bible states that he lived for 905 years.

His Offspring
Enosh fathered a son named Kenan at the age of 90 and had other sons and daughters. The Bible, however, does not provide detailed information about his other children or his life story.

Mandaean beliefs and scriptures

According to Mandaean beliefs and scriptures including the Qolastā, the Book of John and Genzā Rabbā, Abel is cognate with the angelic soteriological figure Hibil Ziwa, (Classical Mandaic:‎, sometimes translated “Splendid Hibel”), who is spoken of as a son of Hayyi or Manda d-Hayyi, and as a brother to Anush (Enosh) and to Sheetil (Seth), who is the son of Adam. Elsewhere, Anush is spoken of as the son of Sheetil, and Sheetil as the son of Hibil, where Hibil came to Adam and Eve as a young boy when they were still virgins, but was called their son. Hibil is an important lightworld being (uthra) who conquered the World of Darkness. As Yawar Hibil, he is one of multiple figures known as Yawar (Classical Mandaic: ࡉࡀࡅࡀࡓ, lit. ’Helper’), being so named by and after his father.

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