
Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

The concept also involves cyclical time, with each root race representing a different cycle of human development.

The Lemurians lived in a period that would be considered prehistoric by modern standards, potentially corresponding to the time of the dinosaurs or earlier.

However, the last Atlantean island, Poseidonis, mentioned by Plato, was destroyed as a result of a war between Atlantean black magicians and the Adepts of the time, who were forced to intervene to stop the abuse of psychic powers.

Before this war began, those who had not fallen into abusing their powers were saved by the Adepts of the time.



Life in Lemuria: During Ramtha's time, Lemuria is depicted as a spiritually and technologically advanced society.

This includes ideas about the non-linear nature of time and reality.

He described how consciousness is not limited to physical form and how it transcends time and space.

Her openness to scientific examination and her collaboration with researchers in the field of parapsychology earned her a degree of respect uncommon among psychics of her time.

In Hinduism, the serpent Ananta-Shesha symbolizes time, transformation, and the infinite.

The questions listed in the articles below were not actually clearly asked at the time, but were organized later.

At that time, perhaps we will be able to get permission to release more information about the coming war

Answer 3: We are like you Time is not measured by the astronomical method of observing the revolution of the As of today, I have lived 57,653 cycles of time (to put it into your numerical terms).

We measure time in terms of the Earth's magnetic field, which fluctuates periodically.sun

That is because in order to survive in the coming times you must understand the truth

For your species, this process already took place during the time of the dinosaurs, and for us - a little later - this process also took place.

I'll explain in detail when we meet again next time.

But by the time you are born, it is already gone.

On the other hand, among the various elements of the fallout from this time was iridium, which was created as a result of hydrogen-fusion, and this was discovered by your scientists.

(As I said before, the evolution of a species takes a lot more time than you think, especially with artificial facilitation like yours.

At that time, we were manipulating our own genes.

So when you were created the sixth and seventh time, a war broke out between us and them.

because your programmed mind obviously cannot handle such large amounts of time.

Our evolution time is an incredibly long time for you.

In this short period of time, humans like you were created.

In the matter of our creation in earlier times, we also have a strong religious tinge.

(Even your species is intelligent enough not to believe this) Do you know how much mass the sun needs to produce light and energy over long periods of time through fusion?

Answer 23 : First of all, of course the description (and worship) of our species dates back to various times in your early past.

There have been times.

“Contact” us by giving a command that can lead you to “see us as people like you.” Then the weak human minds will accept this command without resistance and see us as normal humans (despite our reptilian appearance).I have done this many times, and you weak humans are normal.

At first, it took me some time to learn how to use this camouflage technique properly.

We use this switch to make sure that every time you see us you are seeing a person (other aliens also use this switch).It's more than you think.

But I already allowed you to see my true self from the first time we met, and I didn't do anything to guide your mind.

(This is a very difficult task, and we have been photographed several times in the past, especially by your government or secret agents, without our knowledge)

The first evolved humans (less-evolved pre-humans who lived at the same time as us, because,The "Illojim" (because they experimented with different speeds in their evolutionary stages) had technology and communication, and lived on this planet approximately 700,000 years ago.The "Illojim" thought that their minds and evolved brains and body structures could now handle tools and fire.

The "Illojim" have returned seven times over 23,000 years to accelerate the evolution of certain parts of your species.Then they left Earth for another few thousand years, when they brought back the early pre-humans.

(But it has happened a few times in the past)

Then, exactly 4,943 years ago - according to your time scale - the Ilojim left this planet again for unknown reasons.

We have only had contact with them three times in our entire history.

These are the things aboutAfter the first interview was made public, the time and date of the second meeting were changed due to the possibility of personal surveillance and observation.

And by the time I went to show it to my friend, the directory was gone.

privately, he suggested a change of time and location to ensure our and La Sulta's safety.

Such a tendency was created when you were created for the third time.

You have believed from time immemorial what you imagined you should believe—what your Creator foresaw and wanted you to believe.

Still, such things haven't happened in the last 200 years, at least in your time.

But your species has always ignorantly attempted over time to manipulate forces it does not understand.

Last time, I mentioned that highly-evolved races are capable of changing levels.

In that case, despite being eliminated, it continues to exist in an attitude of self-satisfaction for a certain period of time.

The sound that occurred at this time could be clearly heard on the recorded tape.

We are wasting neither more nor less time with this problem.

Nothing has supernatural powers.You humans last time You asked if there was any chance of defending yourself against these influences, and I told you that the only way to combat these influences was to be alert and mindful.

: I really didn't see the need because last time I saw you overreacted to that fact and issue.

Since I am not a historian, I am merely a student of your current habits, and I assume that my knowledge of such events in your history will not be very extensive.Let me explain to you what I know about what happened at that time.

From 1946 to 1953, your time unit, there were five incidents of alien craft crashing into the Earth's surface.

(You should know that the ships of this particular race stayed in the air for some time despite being damaged; this depends on spatial differences {from their crash sites})

So, the number of things broken is quite large compared to a short period of time.

These races we are talking about - and these races at this time had disk-shaped airships using propulsion systems based on basic fusion principles - employing more inconvenient methods of field alignment.

At that time, the species had just arrived on Earth, and the planet they came from was in a fairly stable magnetic field, so they developed navigation techniques.

When ships using such a navigation system enter the wave of the field or an overly strong vortex, The fields are no longer precisely aligned, bounce for a short period of time, and the ship begins to slide out of control in its flight trajectory.

It is assumed that the cause of the magnetic field fluctuations at the time was probably an electronic disturbance caused by a weather phenomenon.

From what I've heard - what I've heard from members of my species and members of the government at the time - it was the result of unintentional activity of some element of the navigational device in an unprotected state.

As a result, for a very short period of time - how can I explain this - there was an unidentified rise to plasma-like conditions in the environment, while a very, very unfortunate accident occurred, turning the normal power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power.

At this time, complete wreckage could be recovered compared to the incident.

That is to say, this was your first time seeing a drivetrain, and you understood the whole concept completely wrong, and you still put it together completely wrong.

Only time will tell.

At home they would have had plenty of time to experiment with forward and reverse motion with the ship.Answer 52: Why did they fly to populated areas in Europe?

I already know from your explanation, but could you say it one more time so I can write a new document here?

The story started here in Sweden two years ago your time.

Ever since I was young, I have had a strong curiosity about your race and habits; I had already studied as much of your literature as I could at the time.

I immediately tried to gather more information; But above all, in my position at the time, initiating direct contact with humans was clearly prohibited because there was no need to do so.

At the time, I was already on my way back to the entrance - we can orient ourselves more easily using our instinctive sense of the Earth's magnetic field - and when I arrived near the large lake, I was surprised to find a cabin in the woods.

At that time, I was not yet familiar with his language.

Of course, at the time, he didn't “recognize” who I was; He was completely convinced that he was talking to a human just based on my disguised image.

I visited him as a human being three times over a short period of time.

It seemed like an opportunity to me at the time, but of course I couldn't really tell him about my knowledge.

Over time, he was able to control himself, and we finally talked about the issues that needed clarification.

It's such a short time.

Time offers new opportunities.

I continue to be amazed by the many comments made on what I said; Of course, at the same time, naturally, I am also disappointed by their religious prejudices against me and the voices of hostility deeply ingrained in your hearts.You must try to free yourself from the old prejudices that arise from the circumstances in which you lived, no matter who did it 5,000 years ago.


Padma Purana

It may explore the concept of time, the different planes of existence, and the interplay of the gunas (modes of nature) in shaping the material world.

Lunar cycles marked the passage of time for agricultural and religious events.

However, remember that in those days, great ice shelves were coming down from the north, covering a great portion of North America, and the oceans with that much water locked into ice were much lower at the time, somewhere between 250 and 300 ft (76 to 91 meters) lower.

But even though their so-called Empire was vast, the main islands were off the coast of what you now call your North Central and South America, and many people on your planet at this time because much of the history was lost.

The closest representation of Atlantean architecture is Aztec architecture; large stone blocks and pyramids found in Central and South America resemble the structures you would have seen in Atlantean times.

In the sense of a particular ritual that will allow you at the end to allow your mind to open up to new understandings, new information, and new initiations of the cosmos, this came from ancient Atlantean times.

In the days before the destruction, which actually covered a very large span of time, there was a very large Master Comet that came into your solar system and took up an eccentric orbit that crossed the path of Earth's orbit twice every year.

For a period of time, the comet rained down upon the Earth as it broke up various remnants that would impact your Earth and cause destruction.

The obliteration of anything that existed in those areas over that span of time was almost complete, which is one reason why there is little left of what was in those areas.



They are able to travel through time and dimensions and have been trying to protect Earth from harmful alien influences.

The Procyonians are purportedly capable of time travel, traversing dimensions, and teleportation.

From another perspective, Wilhelm Christoph Kriegsmann published 1657 a commentary in which he tries to demonstrate, using the linguistic methods of the time, that the Emerald Tablet was not initially written in Egyptian but in Phoenician.

Enuma Elish

Enuma Elish: Tablet I

In a time before the Earth's surface didn't yet feature grassy fields, reed beds, or other low vegetation along the edges of bodies of water.

The various depictions of the laḫmu in art tell us a story about this creature’s beginnings and the various roles attributed to him through time as he is passed through cultural identity and historic memory.

I argue that the underlying conception of him as a guardian figure in the minds of ancient Mesopotamians is maintained throughout time and space by a network of historic memory, supported by not only art but also by texts.

Over time, the cells prolonged their lifespan

27 Their conduct was displeasing to her,28 Yet though their behaviour was not good, she wished to spare them.29 Thereupon Apsû, the begetter of the great gods,30 Called Mummu, his vizier, and addressed him,31 "Vizier Mummu, who gratifies my pleasure,32 Come, let us go to Tia-mat!"33 They went and sat, facing Tia-mat,34 As they conferred about the gods, their sons.35 Apsû opened his mouth36 And addressed Tia-mat37 "Their behaviour has become displeasing to me38 And I cannot rest in the day-time or sleep at night.39 I will destroy and break up their way of life40 That silence may reign and we may sleep."41 When Tia-mat heard this42 She raged and cried out to her spouse,43 She cried in distress, fuming within herself,44 She grieved over the (plotted) evil,45 "How can we destroy what we have given birth to?46 Though their behaviour causes distress, let us tighten discipline graciously."47 Mummu spoke up with counsel for Apsû—48 (As from) a rebellious vizier was the counsel of his Mummu—49 "Destroy, my father, that lawless way of life,50 That you may rest in the day-time and sleep by night!"51 Apsû was pleased with him, his face beamed52 Because he had plotted evil against the gods, his sons.53 Mummu put his arms around Apsû's neck,54 He sat on his knees kissing him.55 What they plotted in their gathering56 Was reported to the gods, their sons.57 The gods heard it and were frantic.58 They were overcome with silence and sat quietly.

he brought information of (the time) before the Flood.

Take hold of the threshold stone--it dates from ancient times!

A second time Gilgamesh said to his mother:       "Mother, I have had another dream:

The Hebrews are a branch of the great family of which that powerful commercial race, the Phœnicians, who were the merchants of the world fifteen hundred years before the time of Christ, were a part.

During the late Atlantean times, the main island wanted to control all colonies.

All the energy of the network destroyed the main island – the pulses come back in one time.


The Sphinx

The Sphinx Stela: Erected by Thutmosis IV, which mentions Khafre, suggesting restoration during Khafre’s time rather than initial construction.

Historical Accounts and Myths: Hancock references ancient Egyptian texts and myths that imply the Sphinx was ancient even in Khafre’s time, suggesting a much older date (p.

Recarving Hypothesis: There is a suggestion that the smaller head of the Sphinx was recarved during dynastic times, altering its original form to appear more pharaonic (p.

In 1991, Professor Schoch scientifically dated the Sphinx to thousands of years prior to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, having been constructed at the end of the last ice age.

This places the statue at a time when the Saharan region was much more humid, lush with plant and animal life, and subject to persistent rainfall.

Deep 'neath the rocks, I buried my spaceship, waiting the time when man might be free.

Gain-Ebedis (Atlantis time)

Many priests ruled at the same time, but each one in different time periods.

Until obeying the commands of the Master, who while sleeping yet lives eternally, I sent from me the Sons of Atlantis, sent them in many directions, that from the womb of time wisdom might rise again in her children.

Long time dwelt I in the land of Khem, doing great works by the wisdom within me.

Now for a time I go from among them into the dark halls of Amenti, deep in the halls of the Earth, before the Lords of the Powers, face to face once again with the Dweller.

As we know, in due time the prophecy was fulfilled, and in the year 9564 B.

Voyages: Performed three times to carry about 2,900 people per voyage

Period: Around the time of the emigration (79,797 B.C.)

Date: During the time of Aryanisation

16,000 - 10,500 BC


Try to rule the time, try to handle it, get the power

All the energy of the network destroyed the main island - the pulses went back in one time

However, with time Atlantis’ spiritual culture degraded, and as a result the power in the country was taken over by aggressive people, who preferred black magic and domination over others rather than the principle of the true spiritual development.

They brought it into Egypt and other countries, where this knowledge existed for some time providing a basis for the local spiritual culture.

200,000 Years ago

Mū Civilisation

In ancient times, the Mū culture, also known as Pre-Tahitian Hawaiian Culture, operated under the governance of the “Kapu” system, shrouded in secrecy and considered taboo for generations.

Time, or Wā, was a challenging concept for them due to their non-linear existence.

In modern times, humanity is emerging from this Dark Age, with the Mū Culture experiencing a revival.

The worship of Kukulkan persisted through different Mesoamerican cultures and time periods, and the deity remains a prominent figure in the mythology and history of the region.

Ezekiel 10


9 At that time the heavens and the earth shook; and another cherubim came down from heaven to the cherub who guarded the garden, and saw him amazed and silent.

In this stanza, the gods, including the Æsir, gather to discuss and assign names to various aspects of time and the celestial bodies, such as night, new moons, morning, midday, forenoon, and evening.

There was in times of old, where Ymir dwelt, neither sea nor cool waves; sand there was not, nor sea, nor cool waves.

The deities tried another time, and created humans from wood.

The Orphic hymns refer to the time when the heavenly vault, “mighty Olympus, trembled fearfully.

The phenomenon of “blood” raining from the sky has also been observed in limited areas and on a small scale in more recent times.

Nobody can imagine what happened at that time, thirteen years after the departure of the Former Masters.

The era of the jaguar began: the time of blood when everything was destroyed.

And he grew sad and angry at the same time.

Archaeological findings in Altamira and Amazonia confirmed the existence of humans on the South American continent for the first time.

But at that time not even ma, their most trusted servant and the first prince of the Ugha Mongulala, was aware of the terrible coming events.

According to tradition, the time must have been 3,000 years before the hour zero - 13,000 B.C.

And he grew sad and angry at the same time.

The Ugha Mongulala had probably been aware since the time of Lhasa of a great empire beyond the eastern ocean that had been ruled by his brother Samon.

Yet for the first time, the providence of the Gods saved the Ugha Mongulala.

Some time later, a Nephilim, also known as "an emissary of the [Great] Holy One" (col.

Back in ancient times, particularly during the Achaemenid period, which was around 550–330 BC, Ahura Mazda was highly revered.

Inscriptions from that time, like the Behistun Inscription of Darius the Great, show his significance.

Interestingly, there aren't many pictures or statues of Ahura Mazda from those times.

As time passed, images of Ahura Mazda were made but later removed during the Sassanid period due to religious beliefs.

He lives in a constant struggle against his twin brother, the principal or god of evil known as Ahriman. Both are children of the first creator god, Zurvã (time). Ahriman, as the firstborn son, was more powerful than Ahura-Masda and would have a reign of a thousand years. However, after this period, he would be defeated by Aúra-Masda.

They have existed independently of each other for all time, and manifest contrary substances.

The term khrafstar or khrafβtr appears 3 times in the poetic gathas and in all 3 instances has been translated as “khiradö staredö” or “a conscious energy/force with a scattered or misplaced power of manifestation.” In the third rhymed verse line, second stanza of Yasna 34.9, the designation khrafstar comes right after monstrous and bestial powers.

10 Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. 

14 Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

Genesis 12

Abram & Sarai

There is no record of a flood around that time...

On Earth during Atlantean times

Modern times: Sitchin suggested that the Anunnaki might return to Earth as Nibiru, the so-called "12th Planet," makes its elongated orbit back into the inner solar system.

It tells us about the beginning of time and how the gods in the sky made the world.

In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21–25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.

Dogon People in Mali who since ancient times and as part of their beliefs claim people came from the star we call Sirius in the Cygnus of which the Sun is part of.

There is also what maybe circumstantial evidence that comets and meteors colliding with the Earth may have brought life here in ancient times and that there may have been some life on Mars even if only in the form of bacteria.

Many ancient sites like Avebury & Stonehenge among others were aligned to these stars albet as well as others and of course there primary function appears to have been identifying the times to do things like plant crops.

A lot of these kinds of sites were built around the same time even in widely different locations.

Several decades ago, linguists working with Aboriginal groups along the Queensland coastal margin recorded stories about a time when the ancestors of these people lived at the coast “where the Great Barrier Reef now stands”.

One version of the story collected from the Yidindji people of the Cairns area recalls a time when Fitzroy Island was part of the mainland and offshore Green Island was four times larger.

The question is whether the details in these stories recall this time for, if they do, then the story might date from as much as 13,000 years ago.

Those from the Narrangga people of Yorke Peninsula recall the time when there was no Spencer Gulf, only “marshy country reaching into the interior” lying just above the ocean surface and dotted with “freshwater lagoons” where birds and other animals flocked.

Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List