
J. J. Hurtak

The chakra temples along the Nile

JJ and Matias claim that some temples along the Nile align with the chakras in our bodies.

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

This form includes seven chakras, symbolizing different energy centers.

This form includes thirteen chakras, indicating an expanded energy system.

The lower three chakras contain part of the soul force, linked through the "silver cord" at the solar plexus.

Next Level Soul Podcast

5th Dimension

The chakra system is a fourth-dimensional projection, reconfigured into a heart center during our evolution.

Shamans traverse the fourth dimension to heal the soul, whether journeying into the underworld, recalibrating the chakra system, or invoking nature spirits.

The 8 Dimension: Akashic Records

Matias De Stefano explains the way we can transform ourselves, by centering our chakras and channeling information from the Akashic Records.



Big heart chakra


But you were conceived with a lower flatter skull and deprived from the higher parts of the brain, seat of the 8th chakra, and of much of the spiritual abilities that your original ancestors had received.