The 5 Suns
Meaning: "Nahui" means "four," and "Atl" means "water" in Nahuatl, indicating the era characterized by water.
End: Nahui-Atl ended in a great flood.
Atlantis – a widespread distribution of land
Hall discusses the origins of the name "Atlantis." He notes that it is not Greek or Egyptian, suggesting it might derive from the Western Hemisphere, particularly the Mayan language, where "Atl" means water, and its glyph represents a deluge.
The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden
349, says, "It is a significant fact that in the map of their migrations, presented by Gemelli, the place of the origin of the Aztecs is designated by the sign of water, Atl standing for Atzlan, a pyramidal temple with grades, and near these a palm-tree." This circumstance did not escape the attention of Humboldt, who says, I am astonished at finding a palm-tree near this teocalli.
Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis
Atl-tona-ti-uh: The Mexican calendar stone refers to the sun as Atl-tona-ti-uh, linking it to the deluge and again to Atlantis.
Fourth Sun (Nahui-Atl, Water Sun)
American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe or Atlantis
Instead, the Nahuatl language offers the word "atl" (water), leading to "atlan" (on the border of or amid the water), which could be the origin of the name Atlantic.
The Destruction of Atlantis
"Atlantic" and "Atlas" may come from the Nahuatl word "atl" (water) and "atlan" (bordering water).
Characteristics of Atlantis
He mentions Atlantis, known as “Atl,” which has connections to both the Atlantic and Yucatan regions, and references other sunken lands in the Pacific, like Kashkara, which is noted in Hopi traditions.