
The Peach of Immortality, also known as the Peach of Longevity, is a significant element in Chinese mythology, particularly within Daoist traditions.

Chinese folklore

The myth of a sinking city

The myth of a sinking city, particularly in Chinese folklore, is often associated with the legendary city of Yingzhou, also known as the City of Immortals.

Ibn Wahshiyya claimed that he translated it from a 20,000-year-old Mesopotamian text.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

The story is shared from the viewpoint of ancient Egyptian knowledge, contrasted with Mayan insights, although it incorporates global spiritual traditions

Different methods of initiation used in post-Atlantean mysteries are detailed, including how they evolved up to Christian times.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

Complex thoughts and emotions were conveyed through empathic telepathy. Before The Great Separation, physical death was a rarity.

The Tlavatli, also known as the 2nd sub-race, originated from an island off Atlantis’s west coast.

The first sub-race of the Atlanteans is called in Theosophical literature the Rmoahal. 

Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

Helena Blavatsky discusses the concept of “root races” in her writings, particularly in “The Secret Doctrine”

These cometary fragments twice a year bombarded the North American and Atlantic region for a period of over two decades, every year twice a year.

Father Duran, in his MS. “Historia Antiqua de la Nueva Espana” A.D. 1585, quotes from the lips of a native of Cholula

Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea.

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.



In ancient times, there was a race called the Atlanteans who lived in a land known as Atlantis.