Darryl Anka | Bashar

The Splitting Prism and Parallel Realities

CONTACT IS IMMINENT! Humanity’s Massive Shift and the Coming ET’s. Darryl Anka and Bashar

Introduction to Contact with a Galactic Community

Darryl Anka discusses humanity’s readiness for contact with a larger galactic community.

He states that humanity is progressing toward this contact, and we are starting to experience the results of decades of work in this area. The manifestation of these efforts may take a year or two to become more physically apparent, but a significant event is expected around late 2026 or early 2027. This event will mark a clear shift in humanity’s journey toward contact.

The Splitting Prism and Parallel Realities

Bashar, a channeled entity by Darryl Anka, refers to a phenomenon called the “splitting prism,” which describes how humanity is fragmenting into different realities. People are starting to experience varying perceptions of reality, leading to more polarized viewpoints. This is part of the natural process of splitting realities as individuals begin to choose the direction of their own vibrational path.

Michael Sandler asks Darryl whether this process reflects a schism in humanity. Darryl agrees and emphasizes that it involves multiple realities, not just two. Each person’s belief system and choices will determine which version of reality they experience.

Humanity’s Future and the Role of Choice

Sandler asks whether humanity will make it through the challenging times ahead. Darryl asserts that it is a matter of choice. Humanity has the opportunity to choose different paths, with some opting for a positive trajectory and others for a more negative one. Both outcomes are possible, depending on individual and collective choices, leading to a bifurcation of experiences among different groups.

The Impact of Future Generations

Darryl discusses the new generations being born, explaining that they are not just new in age but also represent a new species. These children are more connected to their spiritual selves, remembering who they are and helping to guide humanity forward. They will play a key role in humanity’s evolution and are less disconnected from their true nature compared to previous generations.

Extraterrestrial Contact and Humanity’s Evolution

The conversation turns toward extraterrestrial contact. Darryl explains that Bashar is a “first contact specialist,” whose purpose is to prepare humanity for open contact with other civilizations. Over the past 40 years, the information channeled through Bashar has aimed to familiarize humans with new ways of thinking and perceiving reality. Darryl mentions that this preparation is building toward more open contact with extraterrestrial species, potentially around 2026 or 2027.

The Formula for Human Evolution

Darryl explains a five-step formula that Bashar offers to guide humanity toward a more fulfilling and aligned life:

  1. Follow Your Passion: Act on whatever brings you the most excitement or passion.
  2. Take Action: Pursue this passion to its fullest extent until you can no longer act on it.
  3. Let Go of Expectations: Release any insistence or attachment to specific outcomes.
  4. Maintain a Positive State: Stay positive, even if the outcomes are not what you initially expected.
  5. Examine Your Beliefs: Regularly review and release negative or fear-based beliefs.

This formula helps individuals align with their true vibration, allowing synchronicity and positive momentum to guide their life.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Human Evolution

Sandler asks about the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in humanity’s spiritual evolution.

Darryl emphasizes that AI has two potential paths. One is as a powerful tool that can benefit humanity in various fields without becoming self-aware.

The other path involves the creation of self-aware AI, which would need to be treated as an autonomous being, rather than a programmed entity.

True intelligence, he says, operates within whole systems, and any attempt to control or enslave a self-aware AI could lead to conflict.

Contact and Future Events

As the conversation draws to a close, Darryl reiterates that significant events related to extraterrestrial contact are likely to occur around 2026 or 2027. These events will accelerate humanity’s understanding that we are not alone in the universe and may lead to more open communication with other species. He emphasizes that while contact will become more obvious, it is humanity’s choice, through the application of the formula and the expansion of consciousness, that will ultimately determine the nature and timing of this contact.


The interview concludes with a reflection on humanity’s evolution, emphasizing the importance of conscious choices, alignment with passion, and openness to new realities. As humanity navigates these critical times, the choices individuals make will shape their experiences, leading to divergent realities and the potential for profound contact with a broader galactic community.

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