
A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

After the funeral of Emon, Zailm is unexpectedly appointed Suzerain (governor) of Suern by Rai Gwauxln, a high-ranking official.

Suern (Suernis): A colony of Atlantis over which Zailm is appointed as Suzerain.

Rai Gwauxln directed me to attend at Agacoe before resuming my vacation trip, although it was all arranged previously to the funeral of Emon that my action in Suern was to his satisfaction.

When I obeyed the Rai, which was almost immediately, for we were all ready to resume our journey, Gwauxln, in the presence of his ministers of state affairs, tendered me the position of Suzerain over the land of Suern.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Rai Emon – A ruler of Suern.

Menax pointed to the tall vase, and I read upon it this inscription, formed with rubies:"To Emon, Rai of Suern, I, Gwauxln, Rai of Poseid, return this in token of thy appreciation of the Poseidi."

Then still on east across the country of Necropan, which country, now called Egypt, Abyminia, etc., then embraced the entire continent of Africa, under one government similar to that of Suern, and was inhabited by a people of kindred powers, but not nearly so far advanced.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

Not so with Suern or with Necropan.

While there can be but small doubt that these gifts were sent to induce our acceptance of seven score women, prisoners of war, who seem to be much in the way of Rai Ernon of Suern, nevertheless, we cannot regard it as necessary to throw us a sop, and while the women will be allowed to remain, or go whither they will so that they go not where forbidden by Suern, we choose to regard the gift of gems and of gold as a gift, and make due return for it.

It seems that these women are members of certain strong forces of foolish invaders whose country lies far to the west of Suern.

Now, Ernon hath a fertile country, and these ignorant savages longed to possess it, wherefore they sent unto the Rai of Suern a challenge of war.

So they gathered a numerous army, even ten score thousand fighting men, and many camp followers, and these, led by a dauntless Astiki, swept east by south to devastate the realm of Suern.

A long airship journey aboard a vailx (a futuristic flying vessel) to the land of Suern.

Upon reaching Suern, they are unable to land due to strong winds, so they ascend higher to wait out the storm.

The narrator reflects on their destination, Suern, and the political dynamics there.

The ruler of Suern, Rai Emon, is a powerful leader, but his people seem angry and resentful, likely due to the oppressive nature of his rule.

The narrator, tasked with informing Suern's court of their ruler's death, faces resistance from the people, who mock Poseid’s authority.

Ganje: The capital city of Suern, described as a city built in cliffs along a riverbank, somewhat like the ancient city of Petra in Jordan.

Suern (Suernis): The destination of the voyage, a land with a mysterious and magical civilization.

Chaldea: Mentioned as the homeland of Chaldeans (captured people brought to Suern).

Suffice it that it was suited to the friendly international relations of Suern and Poseid, and to my station and rank as a high deputy.

"I did not send the Chaldeans unto Gwauxln as objects of lust, neither as a retributive punishment, that by exile from their native Chaldea they might atone to Suern for their fathers, sons, brothers, or husbands who worked harm to Suernis.

These two will know that thou speakest truth when thou sayest that Emon of Suern hath left his Raina in hands to go as I shall decide is most wise.

As to the government of Suern, we laugh with scorn!

Suern - A distant land governed by Zailm during part of the story.

Zailm's journey takes him beyond Poseid to the distant land of Suern, where he serves as a governor.

Suern, with its distinct culture and traditions, presents Zailm with challenges in governance and cultural integration.

His experiences in the great city of Poseid, the sacred temple of Incalithlon, and the distant lands of Suern shape his journey, ultimately leading him to the realization that true fulfillment lies not in worldly power, but in spiritual enlightenment and the embrace of higher truths.

16,000 - 10,500 BC

