
And, um, through these waterways in the temple, the mer-people could come in, and even dolphins, and they talked telepathically with the dolphins and the mermaids, and they communicated, and they kind of lived with them together and shared and exchanged knowledge."

The Atlanteans communicated with dolphins and whales, bringing them into their temples, and had great knowledge of herbs and foods that promoted healing.

Atlantean's whales and dolphins

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

In common terms, the Elohim represents a demiurgic intelligence, dispatched by God to aid the evolution of various entities on Earth, including whales, dolphins, bats, crows, ravens, and numerous other creatures, plants, and trees.

In these interpretations, Atlanteans have had a special relationship with marine creatures like dolphins and whales, perhaps even communicating with them or understanding them better than we do today.

In certain New Age and spiritual beliefs, dolphins and whales are often viewed as highly intelligent, spiritually advanced beings.

Some theories suggest that Pleiadians communicate with whales or dolphins, or that these marine animals are somehow linked to Pleiadian energy or consciousness.

These theories sometimes include the idea that Sirians have a symbiotic relationship with whales and dolphins, viewing them as sentient beings with deep spiritual significance.

In some of these narratives, references are made to connections between Atlantis and marine life, including dolphins and whales.

Depiction of Jonah in a champlevé enamel (1181) by Nicholas of Verdun in the Verduner altar at Klosterneuburg abbey, AustriaIn Turkish, "Jonah's fish" (yunus balığı) is the term used for dolphins.



Relation with water, whales, and dolphins

Communication dolphins and whales