A complete pedigree chart for a hypothetical scenario where Enki lived for thousands of years

Is there a relationship between Utnapishtim, Ziusudra and Noah?

Anshar and Kishar are two deities in the Babylonian creation myth known as the Enuma Elish.

In Chukotka, Russia’s easternmost corner, there are some amazing ancient artworks that haven’t been studied much. These artworks show things like whale hunting, reindeer crossing rivers, and people dancing with big mushrooms on their heads. They were made by ancient artists more than 2000 years ago and are carved into rocks. These artworks are called … Read more

The Tassili Mushroom Figure is a prehistoric rock painting found in the Tassili n’Ajjer mountain range of Algeria

As for why Krishna is depicted as blue, there are different interpretations and explanations.

Sinterklaas and his helpers have their origins in ancient pagan rites, which deal with fertility and new beginnings.

The Amanita muscaria, also known as the “fly agaric” mushroom, has a fascinating history that is tied to religious rituals, psychedelic experiences, and the origins of Santa Claus.