2000 years old mushroom petroglyphs in Siberia

Dancing men and women with huge ‘fly agaric’ mushrooms on their heads.
Dancing men and women with huge ‘fly agaric’ mushrooms on their heads

In Chukotka, Russia’s easternmost corner, there are some amazing ancient artworks that haven’t been studied much. These artworks show things like whale hunting, reindeer crossing rivers, and people dancing with big mushrooms on their heads. They were made by ancient artists more than 2000 years ago and are carved into rocks.

These artworks are called petroglyphs and they are the only ones found in Russia above the Arctic Circle. There are 350 different areas where the petroglyphs can be found and each area has many different drawings.

The petroglyphs were discovered by Soviet geologists in 1967. They are located high above the Pegtymel River, not far from the East Siberian Sea.


Home > 2000 years old mushroom petroglyphs in Siberia

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