Human history


Valley of Hinnom

The Valley of Hinnom, also known as Gehenna, is a real geographic location situated near Jerusalem, characterized by steep, rocky slopes.

The people were tall in stature and were great builders. Probably the long, winding tracts of sands in their dominions were irrigated with canals.

Giants are a common theme in mythology and folklore from cultures around the world, often representing natural forces.


6th – Architects

Where light becomes a rainbow. One being becomes multiple beings. You are the creator but you are also transforming.

Jules Verne, a French novelist, poet, and playwright, is best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction.

According to Matias de Stefano, these Djeds created a field wherein everything within would be levitating.

Since “Gilgal” means a “circle of standing stones”, it is quite plausible for there to have been more than one place named Gilgal

The Galactic Federation is an alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way.

Across five countries—Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico—there are numerous Maya sites, totaling in the hundreds.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest Egyptian pyramid manufactured Hydrogen Chloride.