
The Keys of Enoch


Metatron, known as the “Lord of Light God,” plays a supreme role in overseeing the creation and maintenance of divine light in the cosmos.

Vietnamese mythology

Lạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ

Lạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ are central figures in Vietnamese mythology and are considered the legendary ancestors of the Vietnamese people.

The evolution of the second root race, known as the Hyperborean Race, following the first, or Polar, Race.

Rudolf Steiner

Man’s First Ancestors

Steiner describes a time when human ancestors existed as astral beings in a spiritual world. These beings had no physical bodies.

Rudolf Steiner

The First, or Polar, Race

Steiner explores the earliest phase of human existence on Earth, focusing on the first root race, known as the Polar Race.

Steiner describes how, over time, humanity began to undergo a gradual division into male and female forms.

Steiner discusses the crucial role women played during the transition from the Lemurian to the Atlantean race.

Rudolf Steiner

The Lemurian Era

The Lemurians inhabited the continent of Lemuria, which have been located in the south of Asia, extending from Ceylon to Madagascar, including parts of modern southern Asia and Africa.

The Âryan race had two main traits: one segment pursued higher ideals and spiritual power, while another focused on personal interests and selfish goals.

Rudolf Steiner


The Atlanteans lived communally, and their settlements resembled gardens, with houses formed naturally through interwoven trees.


Mashya and Mashyana

Mashya and Mashyana are figures from ancient Zoroastrian mythology, which originated in Persia (modern-day Iran).

In Zoroastrian mythology, Gayomart (also known as Gayomard or Gayōmart) is regarded as the first mortal human being.

Persian Astrology

Mitra, The Lord of Light

The worship of Mithra, the Lord of Light, emphasizing its relevance and potential as a spiritual path for modern times.

Political, economic, and cultural factors further complicate reseach efforts, leading to restricted access and sometimes halted research.

The Keys of Enoch

The Brotherhood of Light

The Brotherhood of Light is depicted as a collective of advanced spiritual beings who are committed to uplifting humanity and guiding its spiritual evolution.

The Keys of Enoch

Atlantis and Time Warps

Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth’s structure.

New Atlantean centers will be activated in the future. They are intended to play a crucial role in the re-establishment of divine consciousness on Earth.

The Keys of Enoch

Altea Region

The Altea Region is associated with the ancient Atlantis region and includes the Caribbean, Yucatan, and southeastern Mexico.

The Keys of Enoch

Experimentation in Atlantis

Atlantis focuses on its role as an advanced civilization involved in significant experimentation

The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.

The Adityas are the sons of Aditi, the primordial mother goddess, and Kashyapa, a sage and progenitor of many beings.

Oannes is typically described as having the body of a fish but underneath having the form of a man.

After the Great Flood

Mound Builders in America

Mound Builders refers to various indigenous cultures in North America that constructed earthen mounds

Melchizedek is portrayed as a high priest and a cosmic savior figure. He is sometimes equated with Jesus or viewed as a prefiguration of Christ

Elyon means “Most High” and is often used as a title for God to emphasize His supreme power and authority over all other beings and gods.

Disciple Dojo

The Baal Cycle

The Baal Legend, also known as the Baal Cycle or Baal Myth, which is a collection of ancient literature discovered on tablets in the city of Ugarit.

Among their children were the formidable Cyclopes, the Hecatoncheires with their hundred arms, and the majestic Titans

In the ancient land of Canaan, amidst a pantheon of powerful deities, the sun and war god YHWH rose to prominence

“Olympian gods” refers to the principal deities in ancient Greek mythology residing on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece.


Ad-ima and Heva

Ad-ima and Heva are seen as the first human couple who lived on an island, often identified with Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka).