Matias de Stefano

The Spiritual Wisdom From Remembering Past Lives w/ Matias De Stefano

Introduction of Matias De Stefano

Ginger Bayley channels Erik, who introduces Matias De Stefano as a special guest. Matias has the unique ability to remember his past lives, which shapes the discussion about the significance of stories and energy transformation. The conversation explores the influence of these past lives on understanding the human experience, relationships, and purpose.

Stories and Human Experience

Matias explains that stories are central to guiding human life. They form the basis of understanding relationships and the choices people make. Clarity in personal stories leads to clear direction in life, while unclear stories can cause confusion. Stories, he states, are linked to energy patterns that shape experiences and relationships.

Past Life Memory

Matias has the ability to recall memories from his past lives. He shares that these memories provide insight into human behavior and universal truths. The conversation delves into how these past life experiences create an understanding of life’s purpose, emphasizing that transformation is a continuous process driven by energy.

Understanding Death

The dialogue shifts to the topic of death. Matias shares a personal experience where his perspective on death was shaped by frequent past life recollections. He describes death not as an end, but as a transition that gives purpose to life. This perspective shifts the fear of death into an understanding that life is enhanced by the realization of mortality.

Energy and Transformation

Matias discusses the concept of energy as constant and transformative. He explains that after death, energy reorganizes into different forms, and those attuned to energy can remember its various shapes. The fear of death, which he describes as a universal human fear, can be transformed into a tool for personal growth and living fully in the present.

The Relationship Between Life and Death

Drawing on ancient wisdom, Matias explains that many cultures have honored death as a key component of life. He describes death as an opportunity for transformation and rebirth, allowing individuals to reshape their experiences in alignment with their energy. Through embracing death, one can live a more meaningful life.

Fear and Consciousness

Fear, according to Matias, is not destructive but a survival mechanism that helps shape human personality. However, as people become more aware of their purpose and existence, fear can hinder growth. Overcoming fear involves allowing aspects of the self to “die” and embracing continuous transformation. This process of letting go of fear helps individuals align with their true selves.

Energy of Life

The conversation turns to the nature of life itself. Matias reflects on a personal revelation during a conversation with darkness, which he interprets as an essential part of the energy of life. He describes life as light refracted into various shapes, allowing for the experience of existence. This view reinforces the idea that life and energy are intertwined and ever-evolving.

Connecting to Past and Future Lives

Matias explains that past lives continue to exist in different dimensions and parallel realities. He describes how individuals can tune into these dimensions to access past and future experiences. The memories of past lives are not merely recollections, but connections to energy that still exists in different forms.

Channeling Beings and Sacred Spaces

Matias shares his experiences of connecting with beings associated with sacred places such as temples and pyramids. He explains that these beings are often tied to specific locations, and he channels them to gain guidance. His openness to these entities allows for deeper insight into the energy of these sacred spaces.

The Role of Fear in Transformation

Matias emphasizes the importance of recognizing fear as part of the transformation process. By facing and transforming fear, individuals can tap into higher consciousness and live in alignment with their true purpose. This process involves regular practices of reflection and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve one’s growth.

Conclusion: Living with Purpose

The conversation ends with a focus on how individuals can live purposefully by embracing transformation and understanding the interconnectedness of life, death, and energy. Matias encourages listeners to reflect on their personal stories and align themselves with the flow of life to experience true fulfillment.

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