Zep Tepi

This timeline stretches back to a period associated with the figure known as Zeptepi, the first era, which some researchers believe connects the legends of Atlantis with ancient Egypt.

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

In the Turin King List, the figure connected with the Great Flood is Zep Tepi, also known as the "First Time." This term doesn't correspond to a single king but rather to a mythical epoch in ancient Egyptian chronology that is said to have preceded the Great Flood.

Before Zep Tepi: This period is dominated by mythological gods who are considered to have ruled Egypt before the historical period began.

After Zep Tepi: This period marks the beginning of historical kingship in Egypt, starting with the First Dynasty.

It's more likely that the Great Pyramid is from the Zep Tepi, or Atlantean Egypt, dating back as far as 15,000 BC.