
The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

The Mussulman tradition is, that Adam having eaten the bunch of grapes given him as a reward

In ancient Sanskrit, the magnet was known as “the precious stone beloved of Iron,” and early Hebrew texts refer to it as Kalamitah.

The sacred status of gold and silver contributed to their use as currency. The Atlanteans’ demand for these metals likely spread their value across cultures

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

The planets themselves were not believed to influence human affairs directly. Instead, the solar system was seen as one great being, with each part representing different aspects of it.

Legends of Old Testament Characters

Androgyne Adam

And God created man in His own image, male-female created He them,” Adam and Eve were formed back to back, united at the shoulders

Ancient mines could help in determing the human timelines. Especially since mining was an important for the aessir.