
Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Chaldeans

[I alone, I was] their servant, to the great gods--[The gods took counsel on the appeal of] Ann--[a deluge was proposed by] Bel--[and approved by Nabon, Nergal and] Adar.

"'Mu-sheri-ina-namari--rose from the foundations of heaven in a black cloud;--Ramman thundered in the midst of the cloud,--and Nabon and Sharru marched before;--they marched, devastating the mountain and the plain;--Nergal the powerful dragged chastisements after him;--Adar advanced, overthrowing;--before him;--the archangels of the abyss brought destruction,--in their terrors they agitated the earth.--The inundation of Ramman swelled up to the sky,--and [the earth] became without lustre, was changed into a desert.


Khem – Zep Tepi

Anubis (Egyptian) - Nergal (Sumerian):

Anubis, associated with death and the afterlife, shares some similarities with Nergal, who is also linked to the underworld and considered a god of war and death.


Not three epochs had passed.The country became too wide, the people toonumerous.The country was as noisy as a bellowing bull.The gods grew restless at their noise.Enlil organized his assembly again,Addressed the gods his sons:'The noise of mankind has become too much,Sleep cannot overtake me because of their racket.Command that Anu and Adad keep the (air)above (earth) locked,Sin and Nergal keep the middle earth locked.

As for the bolt that bars the sea,Ea with his lahmu-creatures shall keep it locked'He ordered, and Anu and Adad kept the (air) above(earth) locked,Sin and Nergal kept the middle earth locked.As for the bolt that bars the sea,Ea with his lahmu-creatures kept it locked.Then the very wise man Atra-hasisWept daily.He would carry a massakku-offering along theriverside pasture,Although the irrigation-water was silent.Half-way through the night he offered a sacrifice.As sleep began to overtake him (?)He addressed the irrigation-water:'May the irrigation-water take it, may the rivercarry it,May the gift be placed in front of Ea my lord.May Ea see it and think of me!So may I see a dream in the night.'When he had sent the message by water,He sat facing the river, he wept (?),The man wept (?) facing the riverAs his plea went down to the Apsu.Then Ea heard his voice.[He summoned his Lahmu-creaturesl and addressedthem.(jar the next 36/ines see Supplement 1.

Anunnaki gods list

Nergal - God of death and disease