The Master’s Secret Birth of Earth
The Nagaro Negroid was the first planet people grown here on sector 3 zone, district 24.
You have the root race Melonite children, the first world Salah race, the Nagaro Negroids, 24,000 genomes.
By their nature, they were made to be a distraction and have for the past six thousand years done just that, distracted the Negroids, then the Nagaro under the wham spell of mental sleep.
Warners and to warn, to examine all models of each Salah race and sub-race, to look to see if Nagaro Negroids have accomplished their 24 responsibilities.
Yet the Nagaro Negroids have lived outside of Africa with other Salah races will become sick and die if they drink water in Africa.
So you partner Nagaro Negroids have been given your assignment and Earth is your post to label.
While you Par Nagaro Negroids have nine sites or seats.