
12,800 Years Ago
Bantu Creation Stories

The Bantu peoples

For example, the populations include the people of Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and Burundi (25 million), the Baganda people of Uganda (5.5 million as of 2014), the Shona of Zimbabwe (17.6 million as of 2020), the Zulu of South Africa (14.2 million as of 2016), the Luba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (28.8 million as of 2010), the Sukuma of Tanzania (10.2 million as of 2016), the Kikuyu of Kenya (8.1 million as of 2019), the Xhosa of Southern Africa (9.6 million as of 2011), and the Pedi of South Africa (7 million as of 2018).

The Kikuyu people of Kenya believe in a god named Ngai, who lives on Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga).

They were placed at the sacred fig tree, Mukuyu, and from them descended the nine Kikuyu clans.