
Matias de Stefano

The Exodus to Egypt

Cayce’s readings reveal that Hept-Supht was among the leaders who guided a group of Atlanteans to Egypt before the final cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis.

Edgar Cayce


Chapter 4 of Edgar Cayce's "Atlantis" focuses on the Great Hept-Supht, who is described as an important Atlantean figure with a role in both the spiritual and material development of ancient Egypt.

The chapter begins by introducing Hept-Supht as a key figure from Atlantis who played a crucial role during the later years of the civilization, particularly as it began to decline.

Hept-Supht is depicted as a wise and powerful leader who was deeply involved in the preservation and transfer of Atlantean knowledge to other parts of the world, especially Egypt.

Hept-Supht was not only a spiritual leader but also a master of the advanced technologies that the Atlanteans possessed.

During the final years of Atlantis, Hept-Supht, along with a group of like-minded Atlanteans, recognized the impending destruction of their land due to the misuse of power and the neglect of spiritual laws.

Cayce’s readings reveal that Hept-Supht was among the leaders who guided a group of Atlanteans to Egypt before the final cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis.

In Egypt, Hept-Supht and his followers contributed to the establishment of the early Egyptian civilization, bringing with them advanced knowledge in various fields such as architecture, medicine, and spiritual practices.

Hept-Supht’s primary mission in Egypt was the preservation of Atlantean wisdom.

Hept-Supht, along with other Atlantean priests, is said to have overseen the creation of these structures, embedding within them both physical records and spiritual symbols that would guide future generations in rediscovering Atlantean knowledge.

Hept-Supht’s influence extended far beyond his lifetime.

Moreover, Hept-Supht’s legacy is tied to the ongoing spiritual evolution of humanity.

Cayce suggests that as humanity progresses, there will be a renewed interest in the knowledge that Hept-Supht and his followers preserved.

The chapter also explores the symbolism associated with Hept-Supht and his work.

The structures associated with Hept-Supht, like the Great Pyramid, are seen as more than just physical monuments; they are also spiritual tools designed to align human consciousness with cosmic forces.

Cayce’s readings highlight that the knowledge preserved by Hept-Supht includes profound spiritual teachings, particularly concerning the nature of the soul, the afterlife, and the process of reincarnation.

Chapter 4 emphasizes the enduring connection between Atlantis and ancient Egypt, with Hept-Supht serving as a critical link between these two great civilizations.

Cayce’s portrayal of Hept-Supht also underscores the idea that individuals can have a lasting impact on the world through their dedication to higher principles and the preservation of knowledge.

See Edgar's Cayce reading: Hept-Supht

The structures associated with Hept-Supht, like the Great Pyramid, are seen as more than just physical monuments; they are also spiritual tools designed to align human consciousness with cosmic forces.