Ignatius Donnelly
The Deluge of the Chaldeans
The one most anciently known, and also the shorter, is that which Berosus took from the sacred books of Babylon, and introduced into the history that he wrote for the use of the Greeks.
In the first place, Berosus tells us that the god who gave warning of the coming of the Deluge was Chronos.
Oannes, as described by the Babylonian priest Berosus, had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish’s head and under his fish’s tail the feet of a man.
Ignatius Donnelly
The Chaldean Deluge
The shorter, ancient version by Berosus describes how Xisuthros (Khasisatra) was warned by the god Cronos (Ea) of a coming flood and instructed to build a vessel to save his family, friends, and animals.