The Moroccan queen is a member of a local tribe, the Berbers.
Despite mixing with local tribes over the millennia, the genes for light eyes and red hair still find their way through, making the Moroccan queen one of the most Berber-like Berbers in the world.
The Berbers are Vikings.
“Genetic research has shown that the Berbers' genetic makeup is very complex and comes from multiple sources.
According to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies, most Berbers’ maternal lineage originates from Western Eurasia, with the oldest mitochondrial line dating back to the Paleolithic, about 30,000 years ago, representing the U6 haplogroup.”
Oldest Calendars of the world
Berber (Amazigh) Calendar: The start year of 950 BCE is linked to the ascension of the Assyrian King Shoshenq I.
Little People
In Berber mythology, Kaukus are small, elf-like beings believed to inhabit the deserts and mountainous regions of North Africa.