Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall

The Star Lore of Babylon

Babylon, especially the people of Saba, cultivated astrology and kept records of births and astrological observations for 25,000 years.

Manly Palmer Hall

Initiates of the Flame (1922)

The serpent on the Pharaoh’s crown symbolized the raised kundalini energy, representing spiritual mastery.

Manly Palmer Hall

1959 Lecture on the Book Edida

Hall outlines the seven major steps of alchemical transformation, as described in The Emerald Tablets.

Manly P. Hall introduces the topic of Atlantis acknowledges that Atlantis is thought of as an island in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Azores.

Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall

Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author and mystic, is renowned for his extensive work in religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.