
Where do souls go when they die?

Where do Souls go when they die? – KRYON

Kryon provides an explanation about the soul’s journey after death, challenging traditional notions of location and separation. Here are the key points Kryon makes about the soul:

1. The Concept of “Where” Does Not Apply

Kryon begins by explaining that the concept of “where” does not apply to souls in the same way it does in the physical world. In the realm of Spirit or what Kryon calls “the other side of the veil,” there is no singular location or place for souls because God and Spirit are omnipresent.

2. Souls Never Truly Leave

Kryon emphasizes that souls never actually leave. Instead, when a person dies, their consciousness and soul element remain present. The soul does not travel to a distant place but rather shifts into a state of being that is everywhere.

3. Souls Become Multi-Dimensional

Upon death, a soul transitions from a linear, human consciousness to a multi-dimensional state where it exists everywhere. This means that the consciousness of a departed loved one doesn’t go anywhere but instead becomes part of a universal presence.

4. Souls Are Still with the Living

Kryon reveals that the consciousness of loved ones who have passed away remains within those who are still alive. This concept is referred to as “Soul Sharing,” where the souls of the departed become part of the souls of the living, remaining connected and present.

5. Multi-Dimensional Reality and Connection

Kryon explains that in a multi-dimensional reality, it is possible for multiple consciousnesses to exist simultaneously within a person. This allows departed loved ones to remain with the living in a more subtle, spiritual form, although they may not communicate in the same way they did in life.

6. The Indigenous Belief in Ancestral Presence

Kryon notes that this understanding aligns with the beliefs of many indigenous cultures, where it was a common belief that ancestors remained with and guided the living. He suggests that modern humanity has largely lost this connection but can rekindle it.

7. Invitation to Connect with Departed Souls

Finally, Kryon encourages people to try and connect with their departed loved ones, recognizing that they are still present within their consciousness. He suggests that by intending to connect, people may begin to feel or sense the presence of those who have passed on.

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