Navajo Traditional Teachings

Teachings on Fearing Witchcraft

Published: 8 Nov 2024

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Witchcraft as a Tool of Fear and Control

The teachings describe witchcraft as a means of instilling fear into the hearts and minds of people, which enables others to control them. It is noted that some individuals in the world seek power over others and use fear and superstition to achieve this control.

Traditional Navajo Teachings on Witchcraft

Within traditional Navajo teachings, discussions on witchcraft or the “Black Arts” are rare. However, the existence of evil influences is acknowledged. Some individuals may practice these arts, often with selfish motivations. Such practices involve denying what is good and right in life for personal gain, commonly in the form of power or influence over others.

The Role of Fear and Superstition

The teaching emphasizes that if an “evil one” aims to gain control over people, they do so by instilling fear, resulting in superstition among the community. There are many superstitious beliefs, some of which confuse people about what should or should not hold significance. For example, the common belief that encountering a coyote on a journey signals misfortune. However, animals like the coyote may also serve a purpose in aiding people, such as by leading hunters to their game.

Protection Through Prayer

The traditional teachings encourage self-protection through prayer, which represents faith and confidence in the holy people. The holy people are always willing to help, but assistance can only be obtained through the power of prayer. Navajo people are taught to pray for the protection of their body, mind, heart, and spirit, as all aspects of one’s being require safeguarding.

Guidance for Younger Generations

Young people are encouraged to seek teachings from the elders. Many elders are reluctant to discuss witchcraft or the “Black Arts” out of concern that interest may be misinterpreted as a desire to practice these arts. However, elders stress that the practice of evil things is real, and it is used to control others through fear and superstition.

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