
A Dweller on Two Planets

The Mistake of a Life

Only a year remained ere I would enter the examination for my diploma at the Xioquithlon.

Lolix, for my sake, had studied hard during the last three years and was now in her second year at the Xioquithlon, to which she went from the lower schools.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

But the fact that I was yet an undergraduate at the Xioquithlon made me hesitate.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Xioquithlon – A specific time or festival marking the new year.

As soon as my health permitted me to go on my mission to Suernis, which was not until the new year had begun at the Xioquithlon, Prince Menax took me to his private office.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Airship used for fast personal transport

But in the days of their youth neither had seemed to expect the preferment which the years had in store, and after the long course required of Xio Incali at the Xioquithlon, both had bidden the world of men adieu and had gone forth into the solitudes of the vast mountains, where only the Sons of Incal had abode, of all mankind.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid highly honors women

Xioquithlon: An educational institution or place of study where Zailm has been observed by Menax.

Many a time have I gone to the Xioquithlon to note thee at work in thy studies.

Slight, delicate, womanly, the daughter of a long line of patrician ancestry; my senior and superior in the ranks of study at the Xioquithlon, if my junior in years; I loved her, yet carefully concealed the fact.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Xioquithlon (A place where the narrator began his attendance).

It was about the first hour of the first day in the fifth month which had passed since I began attendance at the Xioquithlon, and as it was the week of Bazix, it was consequently the thirtieth week of the year, and near its close, there being but three weeks left in B.C.

Xioquithlon - A place or institution related to the narrator's education or studies.

To this end, I determined to live for a more or less extended period without seeking admission to the Xioquithlon, and resolved to devote the interim to observation.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Atlantis, Queen of the Wave

The only prerequisites were that the candidate must be sixteen years of age and have received a good education, obtained in the common schools or one of the lesser colleges, like the Xioquithlon in the capital city of one of the Poseid States, such as Numea, Terna, Idosa, Corosa, or Marzeus.

The term of study at the Great Xioquithlon was seven years, with ten months of active work each year, divided into two sub-terms, and one month allowed for recreation.

Xioquithlon - The College of Sciences in Atlantis, where Zailm receives his advanced education.