The Fourth Root Race
Among them we find a number of our Clan: Herakles was there, with Pindar, Beatrix, Gemini, Capella, Lutetia, Bellona, Apis, Arcor, Capricorn, Theodoros, Scotus and Sappho.
Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.
30,000, a great leader from the East, Theodoros, a man of another race, who after the Aryan conquest of Persia and Mesopotamia, and the establishment of the rule of the Manu over those districts, was sent as Governor by Him, under Corona, His grandson, who succeeded Him as Ruler of Persia.
From Theodoros descended the royal line of ancient Chaldaea — a line differing widely in appearance from their subjects, strong-faced, with bronzed complexion and deep-set gleaming eyes.
Khem – Zep Tepi
Ajax, Betelgueuse, Deneb, Leo, Perseus, Theodoros (Aryan men)
VIRAJ obeyed, and MARS departed upon his long journey, taking with him ( according to the instructions received) a band of young men and women, of whom twelve are recognisable : Ajax, Betelgueuse, Deneb, Leo, Perseus and Theodoros among the men, and Arcturus, Canopus, 0 lympia, VULCAN, Pallas and OSIRIS among the ladies.