In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, Metatron is a significant and powerful figure who plays various roles in the cosmic and spiritual hierarchies.
Atlantis and Time Warps
In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the concept of time warps is intricately linked to the legacy of Atlantis.
Vision of New Atlantean Centers
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch presents a vision where new Atlantean centers will be activated in the future.
Altea Region
The Altea Region, as identified in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, is associated with the ancient Atlantis region and includes the Caribbean, Yucatan, and southeastern Mexico.
Experimentation in Atlantis
In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the narrative surrounding Atlantis focuses on its role as an advanced civilization involved in significant experimentation, ultimately leading to its downfall.
This migration is part of the spiritual heritage of the Altea Region, contributing to the global spread of advanced spiritual knowledge and consciousness Source: The Keys Of Enoch Page 431
The Keys of Enoch
"The Keys of Enoch" is a spiritual and philosophical book written by J.J.
In "The Keys of Enoch," Arcturus is described as an intermediate station used by the physical "brotherhoods of light" to oversee various experiments involving physical beings.
The relationship between "The Keys of Enoch" and the Arcturians lies in the book's depiction of Arcturus as a significant cosmic center.
The Arcturians
Additionally, in the book "The Keys of Enoch," Arcturus is described as an intermediate station used by the physical "brotherhoods of light" to oversee various experiments with physical beings.