
Matias de Stefano

The Exodus to Egypt

Through the southern route, they traversed fertile valleys in the region that is now the Sahara.

At that time, the Sahara was much greener than we know it today.

Sattamund (The Wasted Land / Sahara Desert): A great desert, referred to as the Sahara desert of today, where the travelers spend a night.

The ruler of the Sahara and a great survivor, shaped by evolution into what it is: wide feet for moving on sand, a fat hump for storing food, highly efficient insulating fur (camel hair coats, sweaters, scarves), and so on.

We usually don't think about the fact that in this area, evolution didn’t have millions of years but just a few hundred years to create the camel, as the green Sahara, according to today's calculations, became an uninhabitable desert in just a few hundred years.

But we just said that North Africa (the Sahara and Egypt) wasn’t a desert.

But then how did it end up in the Sahara?

So now its easy: the Vikings brought the camel to the Sahara region from the north.

The camel was brought when the Sahara had already become a desert.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

A fleet of ships transported about 2,900 people across the Sahara Sea in three voyages.

C., He called them to the coast, that they might be shipped off through the Sahara Sea, whence they travelled forwards on foot by the south of Egypt to Arabia.

However, they had to cross open water only as far as the mouth of the Sahara Sea (which was a crooked sort of bight opening into the Atlantic), and then to sail along its almost land-locked waters.

The fleet carried over about two thousand nine hundred persons, deposited them on the shore at the eastern end of the Sahara Sea, and returned to the place of embarkation for another set.

The Himalayas were heaved up a little higher; the land to the south of India was submerged with its population; Egypt was drowned, and only the pyramids were left standing; the tongue of land which stretched from Egypt to what are now Morocco and Algeria disappeared, and the two countries remained as an island, washed by the Mediterranean and the Sahara Sea.


The peacock

Adam fell into the island Serendib (Ceylon), Eve at Jedda, the Serpent into the desert of Sahara, the Peacock into Persia, and Eblis into the river Eila.

What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile.

Up to this point Egypt had had an extensive western seaboard, and although the Sahara Sea was shallow, it was sufficient for the great fleets of comparatively small ships which carried the traffic to Atlantis and the Algerian Islands.

Route: Sahara Sea, south of Egypt to Arabia

Travel: On foot eastwards from the eastern end of the Sahara Sea to Arabia