Red Hair

Marcell Fóti

Where are the camels in ancient Egyptian drawings?

Because she’s a red-haired, tech-savvy bombshell who obviously doesn’t look local with her red hair and greenish-brown eyes.

Despite mixing with local tribes over the millennia, the genes for light eyes and red hair still find their way through, making the Moroccan queen one of the most Berber-like Berbers in the world.

Paul Wallis

A populated universe

Two generations away from that, you’ve got two different kinds of human beings: one smooth-skinned and intelligent, one bigger, stronger, and covered in red hair.[1:02:29] The smooth-skinned one has to work out how to get the upper hand and be the dominant species on the planet when there’s this other kind of human running around, who’s much stronger and covered in red hair.[1:02:35] You begin to wonder, is this a story of origins?