
Central Greece

Mount Cithaeron

Mount Cithaeron is famously associated with the myth of Oedipus, one of the most tragic figures in Greek mythology.

According to the myth, King Laius of Thebes, having been warned by an oracle that his son would kill him and marry his wife, ordered that the newborn Oedipus be abandoned on Mount Cithaeron to die.

Oedipus’s fate later unfolded tragically, fulfilling the prophecy despite his and his parents’ efforts to avoid it.

Greek Mythology




Between 1650 and 1654, Athanasius Kircher (2 May 1602 – 27 November 1680) published four volumes of "translations" of hieroglyphs in the context of his Coptic studies. However, according to Steven Frimmer, "none of them even remotely fitted the original texts". In Oedipus Aegyptiacus, Kircher argued under the impression of the Hieroglyphica that ancient Egyptian was the language spoken by Adam and Eve, that Hermes Trismegistus was Moses