Magna Mater

In some versions of Greek mythology, Mount Ida is also considered the birthplace of the goddess Cybele, the Phrygian mother goddess who was later assimilated into Greek and Roman mythology as the Great Mother or Magna Mater.

The Roman adaptation of Cybele's cult as the Magna Mater brought Mount Ida into the cultural and religious life of Rome.

The cult of the Great Mother of the Gods, known as Cybele (Magna Mater in Latin), and her consort, Attis, was one of the most significant and complex religious traditions of the ancient Mediterranean world.

The Romans called her Magna Mater (Great Mother) and built a temple for her on the Palatine Hill.

The Temple of Cybele, also known as the Temple of Magna Mater, on the Palatine Hill in Rome, was one of the most important religious structures dedicated to the Great Mother of the Gods.

The Taurobolium was an ancient ritual practiced primarily in the Roman Empire, associated with the cult of the Great Mother of the Gods, Cybele (also known as Magna Mater), and her consort, Attis.