
A Dweller on Two Planets

The Mistake of a Life

Incalithlon: The great temple where religious and ceremonial events occur, including the announcement of Zailm’s marriage.

If, during the ceremony, a death was to occur within the Incalithlon, custom decreed that an entire year must elapse before the consummation of the marriage rites.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

Incalithlon: A ceremonial site or temple, likely associated with religious rites and connected to the worship of Incal.

On a bier in front of the Holy Seat, by the eastern face of the Maxin-Stone in the Incalithlon, lay all that was of the earth, earthy of Emon of Suemis.

As we who abode in Caiphul turned to depart, we saw that which no man then living had ever before beheld in the Incalithlon.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Airship used for fast personal transport

They discuss visiting the temple of Incal (Incalithlon), and Zailm accompanies them.

Incalithlon - The great temple of Incal, where religious rituals and ceremonies are performed, including Zailm's adoption.

"Should we not now go to the Incalithlon?""If it please thee.

Outwardly, the Incalithlon was shaped like the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops, not quite so high, but covering an area of twice as great extent.

It had witnessed the grander development of Poseid and its capital city and had seen the original temple of Incal (a small architectural structure, unworthy of a great people) torn down, and the present Incalithlon built around it.

Those of the departed from Caiphul were taken as they lay in death to the Incalithlon, and being raised to the top of the Cube, were let fall face forward into the Unfed Light.

To return to the Incalithlon and the ceremonial of my adoption by Prince Menax.As we stood beside the Maxin-Stone, Gwauxln bade me kneel, and then, placing his hand upon my head, spoke, saying: "In harmony with the laws of the land, made and provided in such cases, Astika Menax, a Councilor of the land of Poseid, hath a wish to adopt thee, Zailm Numinos, for a son unto his name, in place of one departed hence into Navazzamin.

The Incalithlon, the Great Temple of Poseid, serves as the spiritual heart of the society, where rituals, meditation, and divine encounters help individuals connect with higher truths.

The Poseidii also hold a belief in divine intervention and guidance, as evidenced by Zailm's experience with the materialization of the Goddess Incalithlon.

They have developed telepathic communication, advanced healing techniques, and structures that are both functional and spiritually symbolic, such as the Incalithlon.

Incalithlon - The Great Temple of Poseid, dedicated to the worship of Incal, the sun god.

Incalithlon - The primary temple in Poseid dedicated to Incal.

This temple is where significant spiritual rituals and divine encounters take place, including Zailm’s experience with the materialization of the Goddess Incalithlon.

Goddess Incalithlon - A divine figure associated with the temple of the same name.

The Great Temple, known as the Incalithlon, is the spiritual center of Poseid, where the high priests, or Incalix, perform rituals and provide spiritual guidance to the people.

This moment of crisis drives Zailm to seek solace in the spiritual realm, where he experiences the materialization of the Goddess Incalithlon in the Great Temple.

He retreats to the Incalithlon, where he engages in deep meditation and prayer, seeking higher truths and understanding.

His experiences in the great city of Poseid, the sacred temple of Incalithlon, and the distant lands of Suern shape his journey, ultimately leading him to the realization that true fulfillment lies not in worldly power, but in spiritual enlightenment and the embrace of higher truths.

16,000 - 10,500 BC


Incalithlon – The Great Temple of Poseid, dedicated to the worship of Incal, the sun god. It is the spiritual heart of the city and plays a significant role in the religious and spiritual life of the Poseidii.

Goddess Incalithlon – A divine figure associated with the temple of the same name. The goddess materializes in the temple, providing spiritual guidance and reinforcing the religious beliefs of the Poseidii.