The Mistake of a Life
My scheme to domicile Lolix in a palace on the far side of Caiphul from Menaxithlon was successfully carried out without exciting the suspicion of anyone, not even arousing the jealousy of Lolix.
From the breaks in these verdant walls, we could see the mimic lakes, hills, cliffs, and streams, and beyond these could look out over palace-capped, vine-draped Caiphul and its half-thousand hills, large and small.
A nation of 85 million people
Upon returning to Caiphul, Zailm is assigned the task of aiding the people of Suem, who have lost their ability to provide food for themselves magically.
Caiphul - The city where the narrator returns and works on resolving issues.
Work awaited me upon my return to Caiphul, work to which I might attend without harm to my delicate health, in fact rather tending to its improvement, furnishing a proper degree of mental stimulus, without involving any of the severe tension.
Or of the mysterious stranger whom I had heard in awe in the first of my life at Caiphul?
Le Grand Voyage
They reach their destination, the grand city of Caiphul, in time for breakfast, reflecting on their adventures and the majesty of their homeland.
Caiphul: The grand city and capital of Atlantis, home to Zailm and the center of the Atlantean civilization.
As we who abode in Caiphul turned to depart, we saw that which no man then living had ever before beheld in the Incalithlon.
When we finally left Incalia, that we might return home to Caiphul, the last of our colonial lands visible was the coast of Maine, for we journeyed eastward, then south.
We saw that if we traveled home by the straight course, we would not reach Caiphul under two days, and, having set our desires on reaching it by the next morning, the prospective delay was so tedious that we decided to run in on an angle.
That is, we would head our vailx southeast for the Necropan coast, then southwest for Caiphul, and though the extra distance would be several thousand miles, the increased speed attained would allow us to reach our destination in time to take our breakfast at home.
Beautiful Caiphul,There's no place like thee;Queen of AtlantisAnd Queen of the Sea.
The Waters of Light
Caiphul – The city where Zailm and Anzimee reside, located in Poseid.
Poseid – The empire or region that includes Caiphul, a powerful civilization.
Marzeus – A nearby location from Caiphul, which Zailm had visited.
For whom I had striven so hard in the earlier years and later, in Caiphul, ere a new object to work for arose and led me henceforth with greater determination in the form of a double ideal, love of mother and love of Anzimee?
It was three years since I had been away from Caiphul to any greater distance than going to Marzeus involved.
I showed her the route I purposed to take; together we scanned the map, and I pointed out that from Caiphul on the extreme western cape of Poseid, my course would be east by north across the continent, the intervening ocean beyond it and between that point and further land.
"I have not been away from Caiphul in five years.""Indeed, no, little girl.
Airship used for fast personal transport
Caiphul - The capital city of Poseid, where many significant events occur.
Those dying at a distance from Caiphul were incinerated in some one of the multitude of Navamaxa (furnaces especially for dead bodies) which the government provided all through the provinces, and if the incinerated body was that of a human being, the ashes were taken to Caiphul and cast into the Maxin, as a ceremonial act.
Those of the departed from Caiphul were taken as they lay in death to the Incalithlon, and being raised to the top of the Cube, were let fall face forward into the Unfed Light.
Poseid highly honors women
Caiphul: The city where Zailm has resided and studied for several years.
"Menax, I have often wondered, during the years of my abode in Caiphul, what meant thy favors to me.
She whom I had loved and enshrined within my heart nearly as many years as I had resided in Caiphul—how can I describe her?
All this time, while considering the situation, I was reserving as a choice sensation the pleasure of examining what was the kind of love I felt for her who was my sister, by adoption only, it is true, but who, herself the pet of inner circles, and the adored of the people of Caiphul, would appear before the world as my sister the moment Rai Gwauxln should officially approve his brother's course.
Strict religious customs of Poseid
Incal in Caiphul (A temple where worship is attended to by a man).
Incal (Possibly a deity or a reference to the temple mentioned as "Incal in Caiphul").
It was even so in the populous colonies of Umaur and Incalia, the difference in time being calculated, and one man in the great temple of Incal in Caiphul attended to this sweetly solemn duty.
Caiphul - The Royal City, also referred to as "Atlan, Queen of the Wave."
Trusting that the effort has been successful to depict by words the appearance of Atlantean governmental edifices, let us next obtain an idea of the Caiphalian promontory, whereon was enthroned Caiphul, the Royal City, the greatest of that ancient day, within the limits of which resided a population of two million souls, unencompassed by walled fortifications.
Excavators dug away the scoriae from Pompeii, but from Caiphul no man can turn aside the floods of the Atlantic and reveal what no more exists, for were every day a century it were even so nearly three months of such lengthy days since the dread fiat of GOD went forth unto the waters: "Cover the land, so that the all-beholding sun shall see it no more in all his course." And it was so.
In preceding pages, the promontory of Caiphul was described as reaching out into the ocean from the Caiphalian plain and as visible from a great distance at night because of the glow of light from the capital.
On the point of this great peninsula was Caiphul or "Atlan, Queen of the Wave." Beautiful, peaceful, with its wide spreading gardens of tropical loveliness,
At no point did Caiphul approach the ocean nearer than five miles.
That purpose was purely maritime, in the days when ships had been used as carriers, before the later general use of aerial vessels; and it had served this purpose in such stead as to win for Caiphul its proud title "Sovereign of the Seas," a name retained even when the original uses of its moat had become a matter of history.
A marked feature of Caiphul was the wealth and rare beauty of its trees and tropical shrubbery, lining the avenues, covering the multitudinous palace-crowned hills, many of which had been constructed to rise two or even three hundred feet above the level of the plain.
Such, dear friends, would have been the scene presented to thine eyes, couldst thou have gazed on Caiphul with me; perchance thou didst.
And yet, Caiphul was not devoid of houses built much after the modern fashion, for the city franchise to build neat mansions here and there in situations and styles calculated to add to the beauty of the scene was a privilege of which any one of means might avail himself, under official approval.
It may be a seemingly inopportune intrusion, but I must here briefly describe the electro-odic transit system of Caiphul, and the other cities, towns, and villages scattered throughout the empire and its colonies.
Atlantis, Queen of the Wave
So there, high above the ocean and the plains stretching westward 2,000 miles to Caiphul, the Royal City, I made my vows.
Our farewell to the old mountain home and our arrival in Caiphul will be left unspoken.
The vailx, powered by currents derived from the Night-Side of Nature
Caiphul: The capital city of Poseid, mentioned as the narrator’s ultimate destination upon returning home.
The other chose to ask passage to Caiphul in my vailx.
On the way, I met the Son who was going to Caiphul with us.
1905 – A Dweller on Two Planets
Caiphul - A city within Poseid, often referred to as the center of political and social activities in Atlantis.
Caiphul – A city within Poseid, often referred to as the center of political and social activities in Atlantis.