Robert Nelson

KEYS 68: Happiness

Published: 13 Oct 2024

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On October 8, 2019, Paul Power introduces Robert Nelson, who is reading from his book Keys and Love Letters from God. The reading focuses on the 68th key, titled “Happiness.”

The Nature of Happiness

Happiness is described as the natural state of being and a birthright. It should not be denied to oneself or others, regardless of their form—be they humans, animals, or even beings from other realms. Happiness arises from the experience of love shared, where the perceived walls of separation dissolve.

Happiness is Not Earned

Happiness is not a commodity that can be earned. It is not something tangible but a quality, the result of fulfillment. Denying happiness to oneself or to others is equivalent to closing one’s heart to the divine. The speaker emphasizes that happiness, like prosperity, must be shared to be fully realized.

The Cure for Conditionality

The speaker highlights that happiness is the cure for conditionality and demands. One does not need to seek happiness externally; it already exists within. Joy is described as love shared, and the “kingdom” is found in a joyful heart. Like love, happiness is eternal and cannot be created or destroyed.

Removing the Blinders

The discussion shifts to the concept of self-imposed barriers that prevent people from seeing happiness. It is a shared responsibility to remove these blinders for oneself and for others. Denying happiness to oneself or others—whether on personal, divine, or communal grounds—hinders the realization of happiness.

Realization of Happiness

The final part of the reading focuses on the meaning of “realizing” happiness. To realize is to make something real, not just to recognize it. Happiness is realized by accepting one’s true self. The reading concludes with the hope that more insights will be shared in the near future.

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