The God Odi, Woden, or Wotan
In the Scandinavian mythology the chief god was Odin, the Woden, Wotan, or Wuotan of the Germans. He is represented with many of the attributes of the Greek god Zeus.
The Gods of the Phœnician also Kings of Atlantis
Not alone were the gods of the Greeks the deified kings of Atlantis, but we find that the mythology of the Phœnicians was drawn from the same source.
The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks
Peru, worshipping the sun and moon and planets, probably represents very closely the simple and primitive religion of Atlantis
Traditions of Atlantis
Among the Arabians the first inhabitants of that country are known as the Adites, from their progenitor, who is called Ad, the grandson of Ham.
Artificial Deformation of the Skull
An examination of the American monuments shows that the people represented were in the habit of flattening the skull by artificial means.
The Bronze Age in Europe
The Phœnicians, so far as we know them, were well acquainted with the use of iron.
The Origin of Our Alphabet
According to the Phœnicians, the art of writing was invented by Taautus, or Taut, ‘whom the Egyptians call Thouth,’ and the Egyptians said it was invented by Thouth.
Genesis contains a history of Atlantis
They built it to reach the sun–that is to say, as a sun-temple; while in the Bible record Babel was built to perpetuate the glory of its architects.
The Question of Complexion
We have already seen that the Mandans preserved an image of the ark, and possessed legends of a clearly Atlantean character
Corroborating Circumstances
Whence comes the word Atlantic? The dictionaries tell us that the ocean is named after the mountains of Atlas; but whence did the Atlas mountains get their name?
American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe Or Atlantis
ON the monuments of Central America there are representations of bearded men. How could the beardless American Indians have imagined a bearded race?
The Indentity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New
Architecture.–Plato tells us that the Atlanteans possessed architecture; that they built walls, temples, and palaces.
Civilization an Inheritance
I shall undertake to show hereafter that nearly all the arts essential to civilization which we possess date back to the time of Atlantis.
Some Consideration of the Deluge Legends
Atlantis disappeared beneath the sea, and then that sea became inaccessible, so that navigation on it ceased, on account of the quantity of mud which the ingulfed island left in its place.
The Deluge Legends of America
America traditions of the Deluge coming infinitely nearer to that of the Bible than among any people of the Old World.
The Deluge Legends of Other Nations
A collection of the Deluge legends of other nations will throw light upon the Biblical and Chaldean records of that great event.
The Deluge of the Bible
It will be more and more evident as we proceed in the consideration of the Flood legends of other nations, that the Antediluvian World was none other than Atlantis
The Destruction of Atlantis described in the deluge legends
An event amid horrible convulsions, with all its vast population–that population the ancestors of the great races of both continents.
The Deluge of the Chaldeans
Cronos (Ea) appeared to him in his sleep, and announced that on the fifteenth of the month of Daisios all men should perish by a flood.
The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden
The pervasive reverence for the Cross, the myth of the Garden of Eden, and the construction of pyramids across ancient civilizations point to a shared cultural memory and religious symbolism