Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 part 10) Robert (Bob) Nelsons Life &Times

Session Overview

The session, titled “Part 10 of Session 3 on Robert Nelson’s Life and Times,” was recorded on August 4, 2016, at 1:20 AM. The discussion focused on metaphysical topics, spiritual practices, and Nelson’s personal experiences related to these areas.

Metaphysics and Psychism

Robert Nelson addressed metaphysics and psychism, emphasizing that practices like channeling and psychic phenomena should be approached with care and a clear understanding of one’s intentions. He shared his view on rituals, noting that while they don’t inherently protect a person, they help foster the mindset needed for self-protection.

Nelson discussed how invoking names like “Jesus” or engaging in other spiritual rituals serves as a symbolic bridge to one’s true identity. According to him, Jesus represents a reminder of one’s connection to God and heaven, concepts that are integral to an individual’s “birthright.” Nelson argued that one does not earn heaven, but rather embodies it through their actions.

Automatic Writing

Nelson warned against practices such as automatic writing, recounting his own experience in the 1960s, where he found it potentially harmful. He differentiated between harmful instances of automatic writing and his later experiences, where he willingly channeled messages that he felt were divinely inspired.

Personal Experiences and the “Keys” Book

In the 1980s, Nelson began channeling a book titled “Keys with Letters from God,” which he described as transformative for those who read it. Although the book was never widely published, it has had a profound effect on those who encountered it. He recounted how several individuals, after reading “Keys,” experienced significant changes in their lives, often describing it as if “God was speaking directly to them.”

Coming to Terms with Sexual Identity

Nelson shared that part of his personal journey during the 1980s involved coming to terms with his sexual identity. He described how channeling helped him accept himself as a gay man, moving from self-denial to self-acceptance. He recounted the emotional conversations he had with his parents when he came out to them, noting that while they were initially upset, they ultimately accepted him.

Family and Loss

In 1986, Nelson’s mother was diagnosed with inoperable colon cancer. The doctors gave her a prognosis of six weeks to two months, but she lived for two more years, passing away in 1988, the day after his birthday. Nelson reflected on her passing, viewing it as a release from suffering. He described the experience of losing his mother and how it shaped his perspective on life and death.

Alien Abductions

By the late 1980s, Nelson had ongoing experiences with alien abductions. He described how extraterrestrials, particularly the “Greys,” subjected him to repeated abductions, often involving his dog, John-Boy. Despite various efforts to resist, Nelson found it increasingly difficult to stop the abductions. His frustration and anger toward the Greys grew as he struggled to protect himself and his dog.

Nelson also mentioned his interactions with members of the military and individuals involved in government-related projects, who sought his advice on dealing with extraterrestrials. He recounted a conversation with a retired Air Force colonel, who expressed his fear and hopelessness about the alien presence, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

Emotional Impact

Nelson’s experiences with alien abductions left him emotionally and mentally drained. He expressed deep anger and frustration toward the Greys, particularly when they used his dog as leverage to ensure his cooperation. Despite his attempts to resist, the abductions continued, causing him to experience feelings of helplessness and even hatred towards the Greys.

Conclusion of the Session

The session ended with Nelson reflecting on the pain and trauma of his abduction experiences. He stated that people who have not gone through similar experiences might not fully understand the emotional toll it takes. He expressed sorrow over his dog’s involvement and the impact the situation had on him emotionally.

Nelson decided to pause the discussion, noting that the memories were overwhelming. He indicated that future sessions would explore further events from the 1990s, including his ongoing struggle with alien abductions.

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