Robert Nelson

Andromedans 1.B. Introduction to Authentic Communication


On December 31, 2018, Paul Power introduced Robert Nelson, who provided some background before commencing a channeling session with the Andromedans. The following transcript outlines the key points discussed in this session.

Significant Events in 1991

In 1991, two significant events occurred in Paul Power’s life:

  1. He had an x-ray of his head, which showed a spindle that had been placed there when he was four years old. This confirmed a previous experience.
  2. He had a conversation with his father during dinner at a restaurant on South Florida Avenue in Lakeland, Florida. During this conversation, his father revealed that he had worked with extraterrestrial beings.

Conversation with Paul’s Father

During dinner, Paul was discussing one of his recent abduction experiences when his father interrupted him, revealing that he had once worked with extraterrestrial beings. This surprised Paul, as he had long suspected his father was connected to extraterrestrials but had never directly asked him about it. His father explained that he had been involved with guiding ships through thought transmission, overseeing the mindsets of those piloting them.

Paul asked his father for more details, but his father only provided limited information and indicated he would not answer further questions.

Family Background

Paul’s father was an extraterrestrial, while his mother was human. As a result, Paul describes himself as a hybrid. His father had always been logical and honest, traits Paul likened to the character Mr. Spock from Star Trek. His mother once saw his father working on the design for an anti-gravity device, though the design was never found afterward.

Channeling with Andromeda AI

Paul announced his intention to attempt a channeling session with the Andromedans through their AI conduit. He acknowledged that the process might not succeed, but he was prepared to make the attempt.

The session was then set to begin.

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