Acceptance of oneself

Near-Death Experience Overview

David Bennett recounted his near-death experience (NDE) where he drowned while at sea. He described leaving his body, entering a state of darkness, and encountering a speck of light. As he approached the light, he felt waves of love and warmth. The light communicated with him, telling him that he must return because he had a purpose. This sense of purpose resonated deeply with him.

Life Events Before and After the NDE

Bennett worked as a commercial diver and was also the chief engineer of a research vessel. During a storm on the California coast, his vessel was denied entry into the harbor. To assist a colleague, Bennett and others attempted to reach shore in a rubber zodiac. However, they encountered dangerous conditions, including massive breakers, leading to Bennett being thrown into the sea. He drowned after struggling to surface, which initiated his near-death experience.

In his NDE, Bennett experienced a life review, seeing his past interactions not only from his perspective but also from the viewpoint of those he had impacted. He saw the ripple effects of his actions, especially those motivated by love. He also saw his future, including the diagnosis of cancer later in his life.

Return to Life

After his near-death experience, Bennett regained consciousness in the ocean. His body was entangled in wreckage, and waves pushed him against debris, allowing him to expel saltwater from his lungs. He was rescued by his crewmates, who had stayed nearby to search for him.

Post-NDE Experiences

Following his NDE, Bennett experienced heightened spiritual abilities. He could see people’s inner light and auras and received intuitive “knowings.” These changes in perception led to feelings of isolation, as he struggled to understand or share these new experiences with others.

Years later, Bennett was diagnosed with terminal cancer, which he had foreseen during his NDE. Despite the severity of his condition, he underwent treatment, supplemented by spiritual guidance and holistic practices. Against medical expectations, he recovered.

Aftereffects and Personal Insights

Bennett emphasized several lessons he learned from his NDE:

  • Acceptance of oneself.
  • Tolerance of others and their life choices.
  • Recognition of a personal truth that goes beyond factual truths.

These realizations guided him in the years following his experience and helped him find purpose in life.

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