
A Dweller on Two Planets

A nation of 85 million people

In the history of the Judaic race, the later records of the deserving portion of the people of Suernis may be found.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

Suern (Suernis): A colony of Atlantis over which Zailm is appointed as Suzerain.

I do therefore appoint thee Suzerain over Suernis, and dismiss thee to thy journey of pleasurable recreation with thy friends as soon as thou shalt sign thy name to this document.

Our course was again eastward, although now farther south, for we did not propose to visit Suernis this time but intended to proceed instead to our American colonies, as in the original route we had planned to do after leaving Suemis.

They came from Asia, then, as now, to a large extent the home of semi-barbarians, except where the sway of Suernis had extended a civilizing influence by sending out the tribes which, in a later day, were to occupy so large a niche in history under the name of the Semitic races.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

He resumes his duties and prepares for a mission to Suernis, accompanied by a group of friends, including his sister Anzimee.

Suernis – A kingdom or region, which also encompasses all of Asia.

India (Hindustan) – The peninsula region that was part of Suernis.

As soon as my health permitted me to go on my mission to Suernis, which was not until the new year had begun at the Xioquithlon, Prince Menax took me to his private office.

To Anzimee, I outlined a plan for getting the greatest possible amount of pleasure from my trip, after the state business at Ganje, the capital city of Suernis, should have been attended to.

Africa was then not more than half its present size, while Suernis, which also embraced all of Asia, was much different from what it is today, but was a name more distinctive of the peninsula of Hindustan.

Leaving Necropan, the route would be across the sea to India, or, as we knew the names, across the "Waters of Light" (in reference to their phosphorescence) to Suernis.

From Ganje, the capital of Suernis, our course was still eastward across the Pacific ocean to our colonies in America, called "Incalia" by us, because in that far antipodal land, the Sun, Incal, was fabled as making his bed by that epic heretofore mentioned as the basis of Atlan folklore.

Considering that we were bound for Suernis, Lolix was not invited to go, as she otherwise might have been.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

The differences in the two coeval civilizations lay in the fact that while Poseidi tended to the cultivation of the mechanical arts, to sciences having to do with material things, and were content to accept without question the religion of their ancestors, the Suerni and Necropani paid but little heed to anything not mainly occult and of religious significance—practical principles truly, occult laws having a bearing on materiality—but nonetheless were they careless of material objects except in so far as the proper maintenance of life was concerned.

Then this fact was put side by side with the fact that the mysterious powers of the Suerni and Necropani owed their existence to this same occult realm, and the conclusion was that in time we also would grow careless of material progress and devote our energy to occult studies.

But the knowledge of the Suerni was still greater.

These people very unwisely made war upon the terrible Suerni.

To this Ernon replied that he would not make fight; that those who sought him with spears and with bows, and came arrayed in armor, would find him, and therefor be sorrowful, inasmuch as Yeovah, as the Suerni are pleased to name Him whom we called Incal, would protect him and his people of Suem, and this without strife and bloodshed.

Suernis - A strange country mentioned in the context of studying languages.

Then again, philology was almost as much so; my ability to acquire foreign languages was not inconsiderable, as I had found from studying a little volume descriptive of a land known as Suernis, a strange country, and of the language of which many examples were given; these I had without effort learned perfectly from once reading.

As co-efficients, I purposed thoroughly to ground myself in synthetic and analytical literature, not alone of my native Poseid, but also that of the Suerni and Necropanic languages.

Despite their advanced magical abilities, the Suerni are deeply troubled, and Rai Emon explains that he has tried to lead his people toward a higher spiritual path but has faced resistance.

His sadness culminates in a poignant monologue where he laments their ingratitude and predicts their eventual downfall, referencing future events such as the coming of Moses and the punishment the Suerni will face over the centuries.

Suern (Suernis): The destination of the voyage, a land with a mysterious and magical civilization.

"I did not send the Chaldeans unto Gwauxln as objects of lust, neither as a retributive punishment, that by exile from their native Chaldea they might atone to Suern for their fathers, sons, brothers, or husbands who worked harm to Suernis.

It was a strange people, the Suerni.

The Suerni never lift their hands in manual labor, they sit at the breakfast or the supper table without having previously put upon it anything to eat or elsewhere prepared a repast; they bow their heads in apparent prayer, and then, lifting up their eyes, begin to eat of what has mysteriously come before them—of wholesome viands, of nuts, of all manner of fruits, and of tender, succulent vegetables!

That is the difference between Poseid and Suernis.

"Oh, Suernis, Suernis!

Oh, Suernis, Suernis, thou hast cast me off and made my heart to bleed!

Suernis, Suernis, Suernis!"

They are of that body of disappointed men who go forth from Suernis according to the words of Emon.