
This new era, which will last 2,160 years, marks a significant shift from the Age of Pisces and aligns with the completion of a 25,920-year cycle known as the Samsara.

Samsara Cycle: This change marks the end of a 25,920-year cycle called the Samsara, during which the solar system completes an orbit around the center of the galaxy.

The ocean often symbolizes the vast expanse of Samsara (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and the process of churning represents the practice of Dharma (Buddhist teachings) that leads to liberation.

Enlightened beings, realizing the suffering inherent in Samsara, decide to undertake the immense task of transforming negative forces.

Finally, the nectar of immortality is obtained, representing the achievement of enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of Samsara.