
The angel instructs Manoah's wife to avoid wine, intoxicating drinks, and impure food, as her son will be a Nazirite from birth.

Biglino explains that the Nazirite vow was a significant religious commitment that included not cutting one's hair, abstaining from alcohol, and avoiding contact with the dead.

In Samson's case, this blessing was tied to his status as a Nazirite, which endowed him with his extraordinary strength.

Mauro Biglino

The Riddle of Samson

Biglino points out that Yahweh's commandment was not to marry outside the tribe of Israel, yet Samson, a Nazirite consecrated to Yahweh, violates this commandment.

Biglino finds it notable that Yahweh was seeking a reason for conflict with the Philistines and did not hesitate to have one of his Nazirites break a significant commandment to achieve this.

No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines."

Samson was to be a Nazirite dedicated to God from the womb.