
A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

Mexico (South Incalia): A part of Atlantis' colonies, corresponding to present-day Mexico.

Successively we came to the Isthmus of Panama, then over four hundred miles in breadth; to Mexico (South Incalia) and to the immense plains of the Mississippi.

But the barbarians who went into Incalia, occupying the North American plains and lake regions—a future age should come which would find these hordes gone from the earth forever; and, later still, curious people digging from archaeological remains would say: "Here lived the mound builders."

Instead, we concluded to remain in Incalia for a week longer, and spend the eleven days thereof in visiting, more at our leisure, the great territory where, although of course we did not know it, the Anglo-Saxon was one day to found the glorious American Union.

Man likes pleasant places to live in; he likes those lands where Mother Nature is amiable and laughs with abundant harvests upon slight provocation; man likes to live in a fruit-land, and where shall he find anything more to his mind than this same southwest and west of the Incalia of yore?

When we finally left Incalia, that we might return home to Caiphul, the last of our colonial lands visible was the coast of Maine, for we journeyed eastward, then south.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Incalia – A colony located in the region corresponding to modern-day America.

Sonora – A region in Southern Incalia, corresponding to modern-day Sonora in Mexico.

From Ganje, the capital of Suernis, our course was still eastward across the Pacific ocean to our colonies in America, called "Incalia" by us, because in that far antipodal land, the Sun, Incal, was fabled as making his bed by that epic heretofore mentioned as the basis of Atlan folklore.

From Southern Incalia (modern Sonora) I intended to go northwards and skim hastily over the desolate ice fields of the arctic regions.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Umaur and Incalia (Colonies that follow the same religious practices as Poseid).

It was even so in the populous colonies of Umaur and Incalia, the difference in time being calculated, and one man in the great temple of Incal in Caiphul attended to this sweetly solemn duty.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The worship of Incal

Incalia - A place across the ocean, identified as North America.

Some went over the ocean to Umaur, or to Incalia, that is, South or North America, respectively; others went only to the more distant provinces in Atl itself.

Southwest Incalia: A region affected by geological changes, today corresponding to parts of the American Southwest, including areas like the Rio Gila and Colorado.