Kimberley Leite

Lolitta reveals that she was Astrid’s birth mother in Atlantis. She describes herself with long, flowing blonde hair and a gold-colored

Lakeshma details life in early Atlantis, a peaceful society where unity was central. She describes how her father, an early leader in Atlantis, received teachings from Thoth.

Raziel also introduces the concept of a “source code” that binds all beings, likening it to an intelligent platform or program.

Humans are connected across various timelines and realities, each playing a role in the greater expansion of collective consciousness.

Metatron explains that physical reality is an illusion designed for growth and that all perceived separations are temporary.

The Galactic Federation of Light explained their purpose as a group of beings who have observed and assisted humanity since its creation.

The Blue Avians mention their presence in historical human civilizations, such as ancient Egypt.