Metatron, known as the “Lord of Light God,” plays a supreme role in overseeing the creation and maintenance of divine light in the cosmos.
The Brotherhood of Light
The Brotherhood of Light is depicted as a collective of advanced spiritual beings who are committed to uplifting humanity and guiding its spiritual evolution.
Atlantis and Time Warps
Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth’s structure.
Vision of New Atlantean Centers
New Atlantean centers will be activated in the future. They are intended to play a crucial role in the re-establishment of divine consciousness on Earth.
Altea Region
The Altea Region is associated with the ancient Atlantis region and includes the Caribbean, Yucatan, and southeastern Mexico.
Experimentation in Atlantis
Atlantis focuses on its role as an advanced civilization involved in significant experimentation
Atlantis’ crystalline technology
The Atlanteans were able to step up or slow down energy frequencies between matter and anti-matter cycles.
Both Drs. JJ and Matias claim that some temples along the Nile align with the chakras in our bodies.
“The Keys of Enoch” is a spiritual and philosophical book written by J.J. Hurtak in 1973.